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发布时间: 2021-03-20 01:08:19

1. 企业财务分析报表的参考文献

建议CNKI找下就成 [1] 沙洁. 企业财务报表分析[J]. 财会研究 , 2004,(10) . [2] 石玉华 ,沈斌 ,刘广丽. 试论企业财务报表分析的局限性及对策[J]. 统计与咨询 , 2004,(04) . [3] 郑雷. 企业财务报表分析的局限性[J]. 大众科技 , 2004,(03) . [4] 朱红. 财务报表分析的实例演示[J]. 水运管理 , 2004,(09) . [5] 王冰. 浅析企业财务报表分析[J]. 山西统计 , 2003,(12) . [6] 李雪梅. 浅议财务报表分析[J]. 辽宁经济职业技术学院.辽宁经济管理干部学院学报 , 2004,(04) . [7] 徐洁. 浅谈企业财务报表分析[J]. 内蒙古科技与经济 , 2005,(06) . [8] 石裕祥. 财务报表分析应注意的问题[J]. 财会通讯 , 2003,(09) . [9] 戴小红,黄凌云,刘春泉. 利用财务报表分析企业经营业绩的几点认识[J]. 农业科研经济管理 , 2004,(03) . [10] 王广斌. 上市公司财务报表分析的基本原理与方法[J]. 山西高等学校社会科学学报 , 2004,(10) . [1] 池俊华,于扬. 上市公司财务状况综合评价指标体系的构建[J]哈尔滨市委党校学报 , 2002,(03) . [2] 易晓文,陈健芬. 上市公司财务状况综合评价指标试系的构建[J]辽宁财专学报 , 1999,(01) . [3] 张福康. 对上市公司获利能力及稳定性指标的分析与评价[J]甘肃省经济管理干部学院学报 , 2003,(01) . [4] 刘晓梅. 知识经济条件下企业考核指标体系的思考[J]东北财经大学学报 , 2001,(01) . [5] 曲永岗,黄健元. 基于模糊优选模型的水运企业绩效综合评价[J]港工技术 , 2003,(01) . [6] 董明志. 关于企业盈利能力评价指标的改进[J]财会月刊 , 2000,(12) . [7] 杜鹏. 上市公司市场价值评价分析[J]工业技术经济 , 2002,(04) . [8] 汪强. 资本结构与上市公司盈利能力——家电行业的实证分析[J]北方经贸 , 2004,(06) .

2. 求一篇有关企业盈利能力的外文翻译

您好 以下为本人手工制作(鉴于文章长度,希望楼主酌情提高奖赏) An operator at the same store indicated that she had got the message: 在同一家商店的收款员表示她曾得到过这样的信息: We are given customer care training when we join the company and as an ongoing thing. We are told to smile all the time and that the customer is always right. 我们在进入公司之时就开始接受顾客服务培训,并且现在还在受训中。我们被告知(在工作时)要永远保持微笑以及顾客永远是对的。 A store manager at company C appreciated the difficulty which checkout operators might face on some occasions and how training might help: 一位C公司的商店经理充分认识到收款员在某些场合可能面临的困难以及(给收款员的)培训怎样提供帮助: . . . it's quite a difficult job . . . they are the ones that come into contact with the customers most . . . they have to deal with the niggles directed at the company. ...这是一项相当难做的工作...他们(收款员们)是接触顾客最多的人...他们需要直接处理那些公司的琐事 Because they wear (company C) badges, the customers see them as the company's representatives . . . We tell them not to let out their emotion and to be as polite as possible and to tell themselves that the customers are not having a go at them but at the company and the system. 因为他们戴着(C公司的)徽章,顾客们将会把他们看作公司的代表...我们告诉他们(收款员们)要控制住自己的感情,尽可能地做到有礼貌,并且告诉他们顾客们并不是冲着他们(收款员们)的,而是冲着公司以及系统的。 At company B training in customer care is effectively on-the-job and continuous: B公司的客户服务培训则在工作中以及后续问题的处理上很有效果。 We tell them to try and deal with minor complaints as pleasantly as possible but we emphasise that if they sense they will have a problem they should refer the customer to the deputy manager or myself (store manager) . . . We encourage them to stay when we are dealing with such customers so that they can learn. 我们告诉他们在处理小的抱怨上要尽可能的和气,但我们也强调了若他们感觉到要出问题的话,他们应该尽快将顾客带至副经理处或直接来找我(商店经理)...我们鼓励他们(收款员们)在我们处理问题的时候待在一旁,以学习此类问题如何处理。 At the same company shelf fillers are trained to spot and help the "lost customer", who is a customer "unsure of what they want or where to find what they want". 也是在这一家公司中,货架填充员受过训练以发现并帮助“不确定想要什么或不知道去哪找”的“迷路顾客”, At company C all staff are expected to carry a plastic card (credit card-size) which reminds them how to deal with customers — in ten points it states that one should smile, make eye contact, greet the customer, apologise for any delay, etc. 在C公司所有的员工都被要求佩戴一张塑料卡(信用卡大小)以提醒他们怎样对待顾客——在总共十点的要求中叙述了诸如保持微笑,保持目光接触,问候顾客以及为任何的耽误抱歉等要求。 Company D provides a contrast with regard to customer care training. Here, customer service is the tenth item on the employee inction checklist, being preceded by a range of rules regarding attendance, etc. D公司提供了一份关于顾客服务培训的(重要性)的对比:这里,顾客服务是员工入职清单上的第十项(规定),比一系列的有关员工出勤以及其他规定都要靠前。 The time clock card is third on the list. Training is minimal. Nonetheless, employees are told in an inction video that "the customer makes pay day possible". 有关出勤记录钟卡的规定排在第三位。而有关培训的规定则最少。然而,员工们还是在一部就职视频中被告知“唯有顾客使发薪日成为可能”。 In companies A, B and C the customer care message is put across frequently through a variety of media. For instance, at company A there are posters at all entrances onto the shopfloor which read "smile, you're on (company A) stage". 在A,B,C公司有关顾客服务的信息通过多种媒体传达以使员工们得到充分认识。例如,在A公司,所有通向商店楼层的入口处都被贴上海报,上面写着“请时刻保持微笑,因为你现在正站在(A公司的)舞台上”。 The same company runs an employee-of-the-month competition where staff nominate persons who have contributed most to helping customers or fellow employees. 同样是A公司,还运行了一套每月最佳员工的评选系统,提名对顾客或同事贡献最多帮助的员工们。 The winning member of staff has his or her name posted on the staff notice-board and may feature in the company magazine. 提名员工的名字会上榜在员工告示栏,并可能出现在公司杂志上。 At the end of the year marks are totted up for an employee-of-the-year award. There are customer care committees in every store, whose job it is to generate ideas on how to improve customer service. 而到年终,一年的积分会被加和来决定员工的年度奖金。 顾客服务委员会在每家商店都会有,它们的工作就是提出能够提升顾客服务的好点子。

3. 企业运营能力论文参考文献


4. 急求经济类参考文献

[1] Smirlock M.: Evidence on the Relationship between Construction and Profitability in Banking ,Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,vol.17,1985.
[2] Prowse S. D.: The structure of corporate ownership in Japan, Journal of Finance,1992 (3), 1121–1140 .
[3] Maudos J., Market structure And Performance in Spanish Banking Using a Direct Measure of Efficiency, Applied Financial Economics, 1998.
[4] Margaret E. Slade: Competing models of firm profitability, International Journal of
Instrial Organization, 2004(22).
[5] David Bernotas: Ownership structure and firm profitability in the Japanese
keiretsu,Journal of Asian Economics 2005(16),533–554.
[6]管军、李文华.企业综合财务状况评价的模糊数学方法研究[J]. 石家庄经济学院学报.2002(4)
[7]陈丽萍,李智全.上市公司业绩评价体系初探[J]. 商业研究.2002(13)
[8] 李晓荣,王宪良.因子分析在上市公司盈利能力分析中的应用[J].财经科学.2002年增刊
[10] 汤青.中国上市公司盈利能力影响因素实证分析[J].山东财政学院学报[J].2005(2)
[11] 王燕.企业盈利能力的评价.中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,2006
[12] 张庆昌,傅再育.中国上市公司盈利能力模型分析[J].贵州财经学院学报.2006(1)
[13]张瑞龙,陈艳艳.基于Excel 的企业盈利能力分析模型设计[J].中国管理信息化.2007(1)
[14] 莫生红,李明伟.上市公司盈利能力综合评价模型的构建[J].2007(1)

5. 求一篇关于某企业盈利能力分析的论文!!!谢谢!!!

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6. 如何写企业的盈利能力的总结
