『壹』 心理学的英文简介
Psychology:the science of the mind
Psychology is the science of the mind. The human mind is the most complex machine on Earth. It is the source of all thought and behaviour.
How do psychologists study the mind?
But how can we study something as complex and mysterious as the mind? Even if we were to split open the skull of a willing volunteer and have a look inside, we would only see the gloopy grey matter of the brain. We cannot see someone thinking. Nor can we observe their emotions, or memories, or perceptions and dreams. So how do psychologists go about studying the mind?
In fact, psychologists adopt a similar approach to scientists in other fields. Nuclear physicists interested in the structure of atoms cannot observe protons, electrons and neutrons directly. Instead, they predict how these elements should behave and devise experiments to confirm or refute their expectations.
Human behaviour: the raw data of psychology
In a similar way, psychologists use human behaviour as a clue to the workings of the mind. Although we cannot observe the mind directly, everything we do, think, feel and say is determined by the functioning of the mind. So psychologists take human behaviour as the raw data for testing their theories about how the mind works.
Since the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) opened the first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig in 1879, we have learned an enormous amount about the relationship between brain, mind and behaviour.
Psychology and other disciplines
Psychology lies at the intersection of many other different disciplines, including biology, medicine, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and artificial intelligence (AI).
For example, neuropsychology is allied with biology, since the aim is to map different areas of the brain and explain how each underpins different brain functions like memory or language. Other branches of psychology are more closely connected with medicine. Health psychologists help people manage disease and pain. Similarly, clinical psychologists help alleviate the suffering caused by mental disorders.
Branches of psychology
Any attempt to explain why humans think and behave in the way that they do will inevitably be linked to one or another branch of psychology. The different disciplines of psychology are extremely wide-ranging. They include:
Clinical psychology
Cognitive psychology: memory
Cognitive psychology: intelligence
Developmental psychology
Evolutionary psychology
Forensic psychology
Health psychology
Occupational psychology
Social psychology
You can learn more about these disciplines by selecting from the list of links on the right hand side of the page.
What all these different approaches to psychology have in common is a desire to explain the behaviour of indivials based on the workings of the mind. And in every area, psychologists apply scientific methodology. They formulate theories, test hypotheses through observation and experiment, and analyse the findings with statistical techniques that help them identify important findings.
『贰』 心理学专业英语翻译
至于在这里,检测变化的期限基本属于在刚刚注意到变化时的视觉加工过程。这说明不仅仅是检测恰当(也就是,观察者报告实物的变化),同时辨明(报告变化是什么)地点(在哪发生)。本身动态知觉的模式(例如,运动知觉)并不该在这讨论,因为这涉及到一系列问题。(例如, Jacobs et al. 1988).同样,焦点是运动的方式和它们的解释而不是在神经系统下的研究。
由于这种限制,检测变化看起来似乎是个直接的过程。然而实证研究多次证明并不是这样,例如,作为观察者我们往往认为只要面前的变化足够大就能识别出来。(Levin et al. 2000)。事实却并非如此,在很多情况下我们对变化熟视无睹,甚至当它们足够大、重复出现或者预先知道时。(Rensink 2000a, Simons & Levin 1997)。这种对变化的视而不见是种显著的现象,经常被当作是变化检测的反面:就像我们有察觉变化的知觉装置,同时在其他方面我们又失去了这种能力。对变化检测的研究大体可以分为三个阶段。第一,大概在20世纪50年代中叶到60年代中叶,包括French在圆点排列位置变化上的研究还有Hochberg (1968)在面部变化上的研究,这里,变化往往会在短暂的时间内发生。同时,Ditchburn’s (1955)和 Wallach & Lewis’s (1966)的研究眼动的置换。
所有研究证明观察者在短暂的和扫视的情况下检测变化的能力很差。然而,并没有试图把所有的发现整合成一个系统。第二阶段是在20世纪70年代一直持续到20世纪80年代。例如iPollack (1972), Phillips & Singer (1974), 还有Pashler (1988),他们系统的研究了在简单图形排列中检测变化的局限性。
『叁』 心理学,用英语怎么说顺便给我介绍一些心理学知识!
psychology 下面链接有发音
『肆』 求心理学的英语翻译英语翻译成中文.
(一)心理学者在书面而口头的报告和请教包括, 不过数据有密切关系的对沟通被有益于的目的。
(b) 心理学者讨论机密的数据只获得为适当的科学或者专业人士目的而且与人只有清楚地以如此的物质有关。 APA 道德规范编码 2002 第 8 页
(一) 除非根据法律禁止,心理学者可能和组织客户的适当同意,个别的客户/病人或另外的一个合法经认可的人代表客户/病人揭露机密的数据。
『伍』 学心理学,英语要好吗
『陆』 心理学专业英语
4一个相关的感觉是意识不可分割的一部分, 是意识中承认想象区域的感觉,它们互相关联以相继或共存的方式存在
『柒』 心理学,用英语怎么说顺便给我介绍一些心理学知识!
psychology 下面链接有发音
『捌』 心理学的英文名称是什么
有社会心理学social psychology
儿童心理学children psychology
还有青少年的心理学等等 adolesence psychology