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厦门大学统计学硕士 2021-03-31 20:25:36


发布时间: 2021-03-26 12:01:24

⑴ 寄售合同样本


寄 售 协 议
Agreement of Consignment

This Agreement is entered into between _______ Co. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignor), having its registered office at _______, China and ________CO. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignee), having its registered office at_______, on the following terms and conditions:

1. 寄售人将不断地把______(货物)运交给代售人代售。货物价格为CIF市价,约隔90天运交一次。
The Consignor shall from time to time ship ______________ (commodity) to the consignee on Consignment basis at the prevailing international market prices on CIF terms. The interval between each shipment shall be approximately ninety days.

2. 代售人在征得寄售人对价格、条款等的同意之后,必须尽力以最好价格出售寄售商品。
The Consignee must try to sell the consignments at the best possible prices after obtaining the approval of the Consignor as to price, terms, etc.

3. 开始阶段,每次船运货物的价格不得超过_______美元,代售人未偿付的货款不能超过_________美元。
Each shipment by ship at the initial stage will not exceed U.S.D_______and the outstanding liabilities on the Consignee shall be in the vicinity of not more than U.S.D. _______ only.

4. 寄售人对赊销造成的坏账不负任何责任,代售人在任何时候均负有支付寄售人货款的义务。
The Consignor shall at no time be responsible for any bad debts arising out of credit sales to any _______ buyers. Making payments to the Consignor shall at all times be the sole responsibility of the Consignee.

5. 代售人将接受寄售人开立的以代售人为付款人的90天远期汇票,年利_____%。
The Consignee shall accept the Bills of Exchange drawn by the Consignor on him at 90 days'sight with interest payable at ________ % per annum.

6. 代售人以签字信托收据从寄售人银行换取包括提单在内的装运单据。
The Consignee shall collect the shipping documents including B/L from the Consignor's bank against Trust Receipt ly signed by the Consignee.

7. 寄售人负担货物售出之前的保险费和仓储费。
The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.

8. 仲裁:
Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), South China Sub-Commission, for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

9. 本协议用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本协议共__ 份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效。
This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall deemed equally authentic. This Contract is in ______ copies, effective since being signed/sealed by both parties.

A公司:____________ B公司:___________
(签字) (签字)
A Co: _____________ B Co: ____________
(signature) (signature)

⑵ 小提琴寄售合同范本

寄 售 协 议
Agreement of Consignment

This Agreement is entered into between _______ Co. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignor), having its registered office at _______, China and ________CO. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignee), having its registered office at_______, on the following terms and conditions:

1. 寄售人将不断地把______(货物)运交给代售人代售。货物价格为CIF市价,约隔90天运交一次。
The Consignor shall from time to time ship ______________ (commodity) to the consignee on Consignment basis at the prevailing international market prices on CIF terms. The interval between each shipment shall be approximately ninety days.

2. 代售人在征得寄售人对价格、条款等的同意之后,必须尽力以最好价格出售寄售商品。
The Consignee must try to sell the consignments at the best possible prices after obtaining the approval of the Consignor as to price, terms, etc.

3. 开始阶段,每次船运货物的价格不得超过_______美元,代售人未偿付的货款不能超过_________美元。
Each shipment by ship at the initial stage will not exceed U.S.D_______and the outstanding liabilities on the Consignee shall be in the vicinity of not more than U.S.D. _______ only.

4. 寄售人对赊销造成的坏账不负任何责任,代售人在任何时候均负有支付寄售人货款的义务。
The Consignor shall at no time be responsible for any bad debts arising out of credit sales to any _______ buyers. Making payments to the Consignor shall at all times be the sole responsibility of the Consignee.

5. 代售人将接受寄售人开立的以代售人为付款人的90天远期汇票,年利_____%。
The Consignee shall accept the Bills of Exchange drawn by the Consignor on him at 90 days'sight with interest payable at ________ % per annum.

6. 代售人以签字信托收据从寄售人银行换取包括提单在内的装运单据。
The Consignee shall collect the shipping documents including B/L from the Consignor's bank against Trust Receipt ly signed by the Consignee.

7. 寄售人负担货物售出之前的保险费和仓储费。
The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.

8. 仲裁:
Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), South China Sub-Commission, for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.

9. 本协议用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本协议共__ 份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效。
This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall deemed equally authentic. This Contract is in ______ copies, effective since being signed/sealed by both parties.

A公司:____________ B公司:___________
(签字) (签字)
A Co: _____________ B Co: ____________
(signature) (signature)

⑶ 寄卖店的协议怎么写需要注意些什么

我给你个范本,你可以参照着看看,然后在写下你自己的。这个仅仅做为参考哦。 寄卖协议书 甲方: 乙方: ____________________________,寄卖编号:____________________________________(可多填) 寄卖人姓名:_______________________,身份证号码:___________________________________ 甲方职责:甲方租售格子供乙方摆放商品,甲方代乙方售卖其商品;由乙方提供的售卖产品图文资料等,甲方可发布到金格源官方网站供宣传。甲方造成乙方货品丢失或损坏甲方负全部责任。 乙方职责:乙方支付租售实体店格子月租金人民币__________元给甲方,合同期限:_____个月(自签订日起算);对所放商品负责。提成见下面结算形式。 依据中华人民共和国有关法律之相关规定,本着诚实信用,互惠互利原则,乙方对甲方运作模式了解清楚,结合双方实际,协商一致,签订本合同。 一、甲方代乙方销售的商品: 1,产品种类:乙方供给甲方代销售的商品要符合《中华人民共和国产品质量法》,乙方保正其商品来路合法,否则期间出现的问题乙方付全部负责。产品种类还要经过甲方同意方可摆设,乙方提供符合甲方代销售的产品详细资料,如零售价格及数量等。 2,产品价格:乙方自定零售价格,自定的零售价格要符合市价。甲方举办大型促销活动,需及时通知乙方,以便于乙方及时更新和调整所发布的产品信息。 3,产品数量:商品数量不限,但要按乙方租用的格子摆放空间为准,不得超出其所租用的格子外部空间。若产品断货,甲方有义务在乙方格子上及时做出缺货公告,以便于乙方及时更新和调整所发布的产品。乙方租用的格子不得空置。 4,售后服务:乙方保证甲方代销售出乙方的商品若有质量问题可以100%退换货给顾客,期间产生的问题,乙方付全部负责。如为本店造成的损失或问题由我们承担。 二、供货方式: 1,乙方亲自送货来店铺,交甲方时签收收据和填写填写相关商品资料。 2,格内商品已售完时甲方通知乙方补充商品,如未及时补充,甲方有权在相应商品介绍牌中注明缺货。 三、客户定单: 如客户订购的商品数量多于格内商品时,甲方有义务通知乙方补充货源,如经甲方同意乙方跟客户的交易,乙方应将交易收据归甲方保存,以备结算。在交易途中所产生的损失由乙方负责。 四、结算按下列办法: 1,格子租金结算:乙方租金以格子位置和月为结算形式,乙方要在签订本协议时将租金交给甲方。 2,商品销售结算:甲方以销售乙方商品的总销售额(除开提成额)为结算形式,提成为总销售额减去租金两倍后的x%,甲方在每月最后一天与乙方结算。 五、本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力,自签订日起生效,至____年___月___日结束。 甲方: 乙方: 法定代表人或委托人(签字): 法定代表人或委托人(签字): 签约日期: 签约日期: 地址: 地址: QQ: QQ: 电话: 电话: 账号: 帐号: 开户名: 开户名: 开户行: 开户行:

⑷ 物品转让协议书怎样写


⑸ 销售合同与寄售合同的区别

