1. 從聲音到歌詞到旋律都完美的歌 能唱到心裡的 不要歡快的那種
LZ喜歡聽古風的么?我推薦幾種不同語言的給你吧,都是我比較喜歡的,希望你也喜歡。中文:1,劉惜君《御龍品青梅》(這個是我每次去ktv必點的歌)2,七朵組合《詠春》(聽這首歌感覺心中充滿信心)3,丁當《手掌心》(歌詞真的寫的很好)4,蕭人鳳《仙劍問情》(這首歌是古風的經典了吧)5,東山少爺《百花冢(zhong)》(我聽的兩首粵語歌之一,給人一種溫馨的感覺)6,青鳥飛魚《此生不換》(怎麼聽也不會膩)7,汪蘇瀧《御龍境中隱》(很特別的唱腔,可能LZ你不會喜歡)8,魏晨《伊人》(好聽)9,銀臨《錦鯉抄》(喜歡這個調調,雖然歌名不知道什麼意思)10,唐朝好男人主題曲《一眼初春》(越聽越有感覺)11,胡歌《六月的雨》(經典)12,柳岩《孫尚香》(其實我不怎麼喜歡柳岩,有一次在公交車上聽到這首歌,很有節奏感)13,陳依婷《心願》(還可以,音有點高)14,田玉嬌《夢春秋》(這個麻,安卓的游戲皇後養成計劃里的歌,唱的真心不錯)15,胡彥斌《江湖再見》(龍門鏢局裡的歌,很好聽,歌詞我超愛)16,胡彥斌《月光》(以前看秦時明月,慢慢喜歡上這個主題曲)17,南拳媽媽《牡丹江》(不錯)18,HITA《因緣劫》(好聽)19,薛之謙《認真的雪》(薛之謙的成名曲,很不錯)20,南拳媽媽《風雪梧桐》(好聽)21,迴音哥《芊芊》(迴音哥的聲音跟河圖一樣好聽呢)韓文歌:1,李仙姬《姻緣》(電影王的男人主題曲,LZ我推薦你去看這部電影,很經典)2,淑熙《啦啦啦》(還不錯)日文歌:我不知道LZ是不是喜歡聽日文歌,但我覺得以下幾首歌真的能唱到人的心裡去:1,倉木麻衣《Time after time》(名偵探里的歌,在日本很紅的一首歌)2,生物股長《青鳥》《螢之光》(因為我超愛火影,這兩首歌是火影里的,算是開外掛進來的,不過也很好聽吶)3,《鳥之詩》(額,忘了原唱是誰,不過不是初音)4,吉田亞紀子《 桜の樹の下》《花宴》(聲音空靈,唱入人心的聲音)5,酒井法子《涙色 》(歌超級經典,而且每次聽這首歌又想起酒井法子,都別有滋味啊)最後,我還想推薦幾首不是古風的歌給LZ:1,宇多田光《Come back to me》2,飛兒樂團《月牙灣》(聲音優美)3,黃靖倫《心碎雨》(同學給我聽的歌,一聽就喜歡)4,Professor Green《Read all about it》(英國達人秀影子舞的背景音樂,超感人的影子舞!)再推薦一首純音樂給LZ:1,磯村由紀子《風居住的街道》以上的沒首歌都是我聽過的,希望能幫助LZ找到你喜歡的,雖然古風偏多,因為我就好這一口,別介!
2. 我要一篇英語作文。關於加拿大作家愛麗絲 門羅。寫一篇英語文章關於她的。要原創的。
Alice Monroe 愛麗絲·門羅 Alice Monroe
門羅出生在渥太華,大部分時間都在這個安靜的城市度過。 Monroe was born in Ottawa, most of the time spent in this quiet city. 她的小說寫的也都是這個城市郊區小鎮中上演的平民中的愛情、家庭日常生活,而涉及的卻都是和生老病死相關的嚴肅主題。 Her novels are also written in this suburban town of civilians staged in love, family life, and they are all involved and the seriousness of illness and death related topics. 這個女作家的筆觸簡單樸素,但卻細膩地刻畫出生活平淡真實的面貌,給人帶來很真摯深沉的情感,簡單的文字帶來豐厚的情感,這恰好顯示了文學最本質的能量。 The writer's brush strokes simple and plain, but delicate portrait of a real life look ll, brings a very sincere deep feelings, simple text brings huge emotional, it shows the nature of literature the most energy. 很多人把她和寫美國南方生活的福克納和奧康納相比,而美國猶太作家辛西婭·奧齊克甚至將門羅稱為「當代契訶夫」,而在很多歐美媒體的評論中,都毫不吝嗇地給了她「當代最偉大小說家」的稱號。 Many people write to her and the life of the southern United States compared to Faulkner and O'Connor, and even the American Jewish writer 辛西婭奧齊克 Monroe called "contemporary Chekhov", and in many European and American media commentary, are generous to give her "the greatest living novelist" in the title. 門羅一生創作了11部短篇小說集和1部類似故事集的長篇小說。 Door Luo Yisheng created 11 collections of short stories and a novel set of similar stories. 在短篇小說普遍地位低下的歐美文學界,這個終身成就獎頒給她讓一些人驚訝,但更多的人對門羅獲獎的感受卻可以用一個詞來形容:「值!」 「每讀愛麗絲·門羅的小說,便知生命中未曾想到之事。」這是由作家、學者、編劇等組成的評委對她的評價。 In the short story generally low status of European and American literature, she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award to surprise some people, but more people-to-door Lo's award-winning experience it can use one word to describe: "Value!" "Every time Alice wire Monroe's novel, glance not think of things in life. "This is from the writers, scholars, writers and other components of the judges for her evaluation.
1968年她37歲,那一年,加拿大女權運動正在最高峰,她發表第一部短篇小說集《快樂影子舞》(Dance of the Happy Shades),一炮打紅,並得了她的第一座加拿大總督文學獎。 In 1968 she was 37 years old that year, the Canadian feminist movement is the highest peak, her first published short story collection "Happy Shadow Dance" (Dance of the Happy Shades), a gun and red, and won her first Governor General of Canada Prize for Literature. 此時,她已是三個女兒的母親。 At this point, she is the mother of three daughters.
她的許多早期創作,是陸陸續續地在孩子的呼嚕聲旁,或者等待烤爐的間歇中完成的。 Many of her early works, is the child after another grunt in the next, or waiting to complete the batch oven. 事實上,《快樂影子舞》前後花了20年才寫完。 In fact, the "Happy Shadow Dance" took 20 years before and after the finish.
50歲之後,這個女人才真正開始擁有自己的生活,她爆發驚人的創作力。 50 years later, the female talent really began to have their own life, she broke out amazing creativity. 不過她寫的都是她30歲到50歲期間歷史背景中發生的故事。 But she wrote all her 30 years to 50 years of age occurred ring the historical background of the story. 1978年,她的另一部小說集《你以為你是誰》再給她捧來了一座總督獎,在上世紀八九十年代,她每隔4年都要出一部短篇小說集,開始享有世界級的名譽。 In 1978, another collection of short stories to her, "you think you are" holding her to give up a Governor's Award, in the eighties and nineties, she should be out every four years, a collection of short stories, beginning enjoy world-class reputation.
「女人談論生老病死」 "Women talk about illness and death."
門羅寫的大部分是女人的故事,她的早期創作中,是一些剛剛進入家庭生活的女孩子,為愛情、性、背叛、孩子等苦惱;到後期,則是在中年危機和瑣碎生活中掙扎的女性,但她們都有著慾望和遺憾,有著強大和軟弱之處。 Monroe wrote most of the story of a woman, her early works, some girls just entered the family life, for love, sex, betrayal, children and other distress; to the post, it is trivial in the mid-life crisis and life in the struggle of women, but they all have desire and regret, the Department has a strong and weak. 門羅的小說並不特別重視情節,更多是利用時空轉換,將記憶和現實生活打碎重新組合,這也表現了她想表現的觀點:看世界,或許有新的角度,文學就可以幫助人們重新認識世界。 Monroe's novel is not particularly great importance to the plot, more is the use of space-time conversion, the broken memories and real life re-mix, which she wanted to show the performance point of view: see the world, perhaps there is a new point of view, literature can help a new awareness of the world. 她曾經在一篇散文中介紹讀小說的方式:「小說不像一條道路,它更像一座房子。你走進裡面,待一小會兒,這邊走走,那邊轉轉,觀察房間和走廊間的關聯,然後再望向窗外,看看從這個角度看,外面的世界發生了什麼變化。」 She has been described in an essay read novels: the "fiction like a road, it is more like a house you enter inside, until a little while, here walk around there, observation room and the association between the corridor and then look out the window and see from this perspective, what the outside world has changed. "
講述平凡女性的命運 About the fate of ordinary women
《逃離》(RUNAWAY)是愛麗絲·門羅2004年的作品,全書由8個短篇小說組成,其中的3篇互有關聯。 "Escape" (RUNAWAY) is Alice Monroe's work in 2004, the book consists of eight short stories, of which the three inter-related. 該書將於近期由北京十月文藝出版社出版,著名翻譯家李文俊翻譯,本文為該書譯後記。 The book will soon be published by the Beijing October Art Publishing House, the famous translator, Raymond Lee translation, translation of this postscript to the book.
近年來,在美國的重要文學刊物如《紐約客》、《大西洋月刊》、《巴黎評論》上,都可以經常讀到愛麗絲·門羅的作品。 In recent years, an important literary publications such as the United States, "New Yorker", "Atlantic Monthly", "Paris Review", you can often read the works of Alice Monroe. 美國一年一度出版的《××××年最佳短篇小說集》中,也多會收入她的作品。 In the U.S. the annual publication of "×××× best short story collection ", but also more revenue will be her work. 她幾乎每隔兩三年便有新的小說集出版,曾三次獲得加拿大最重要的總督獎,兩次獲得吉勒獎。 She will have two or three years almost every new collection of short stories published, three-time Governor of Canada's most important awards, won two awards Gilles. 2004年第二次獲吉勒獎即是因為這本《逃離》,評委們對此書的贊語是「故事令人難忘,語言精確而有獨到之處,朴實而優美,讀後令人回味無窮。」 我國的《世界文學》等刊物也多次對她的作品有過翻譯與評介。 The second time in 2004 by Gilles award that is because this "escape", the judges Compliments of this book is "an unforgettable story, the language precise and unique, simple and beautiful, evocative reading infinity. "our" world literature "and other publications are also many of her works have been translated and Review. 可以說,門羅在英語小說界的地位已經得到確立,在英語短篇小說創作方面可稱得上「力拔頭籌」,已經有人在稱呼她是「我們的契訶夫」(美國女作家辛西婭·奧齊克語)。 Can be said that Monroe's position in the world of English fiction has been established, in short story writing in English can be regarded as "Nance", has someone call her "our Chekhov" (American writer Cynthia Aoqi Ke language). 英國女作家AS拜厄特亦贊譽她為「在世的最偉大的短篇小說作家」。 British writer AS Baie Te also praised her as "the greatest living short story writer."
門羅最早出版的一部短篇小說集叫《快樂影子舞》(1968),即得到加拿大重要的文學獎總督獎。 Monroe was first published in a collection of short stories called "Happy Shadow Dance" (1968), that is to be an important literary prize in Canada Governor's Award. 她的短篇小說集有《我青年時期的朋友》(1973)、《你以為你是誰? Her collection of short stories are "youth of my friends" (1973), "Do you think you are? 》(1978,亦得總督獎)、《愛的進程》(1986,第三次得總督獎)、《公開的秘密》(1994)、《一個善良女子的愛》(1996)、《憎恨、友誼、求愛、愛戀、婚姻》(2001)、《逃離》(2004)等,2006年出版《石城遠望》是她最新的一部作品集。 "(1978, may also Governor's Award)," Love the Process "(1986, third of the Governor Award)," open secret "(1994)," a good woman's love "(1996)," hate, friendship, courtship, love, marriage "(2001)," escape "(2004), published in 2006," Stone City afar "is the set of her latest work of one. 她亦曾出版過一部叫《少女們和婦人們的生活》(1973)的長篇小說,似乎倒不大被提起。 She has also published one called "young girls and women's lives" (1973) novel, it seems quite big to be filed. 所反映的內容是小地方普通人特別是女性的隱含悲劇命運的平凡生活。 Content is reflected in a small place of ordinary people, especially women's tragic fate of ordinary hidden life. 她自己也說:「我想讓讀者感受到的驚人之處,不是'發生了什麼',而是發生的方式。稍長的短篇小說對我最為合適。」 《世界文學》2007年第1期對《逃離》一書作了介紹,並發表了對門羅的一篇訪談錄,此文對了解作家與《逃離》一書都很有幫助,值得參考。 She also said: "I want readers to feel surprises, not 'what happened', but the way place. Longish short story for me the most appropriate." "World Literature" (1) 2007 the "escape" a book was introced, and made a door of an interview with Law, article writer, and understanding the "escape" from a book are very helpful, worth considering. 據悉,上世紀80年代,門羅曾訪問過中國。 It is reported that in the 1980s, Monroe had visited China.
3. 迎新晚會出什麼節目比較新穎
4. 王者榮耀主頁影子舞原視頻從哪下載
5. 求好聽的歌,不要帶著個人感情推薦自己偶像的歌。
走慢一點點 (Take It Slow) - 張震岳
沒有答案 - 嚴爵
我好想你 - 蘇打綠
橫掃天下之笑天下 - 楊宗緯
回憶里的瘋狂 - 光良
不問 - 何晟銘
熱雪 - 魏晨
我們結婚吧 - 付辛博
寫給初戀的一封信 - 金志文
不夜城 - HIT-5
主旋律 - 陳奕迅
花非花霧非霧 - 張睿
獨身宣言 沈丹丹
某個心跳 - 本兮
低調人生 - 陳珊妮
你把我灌醉 - 鄧紫棋
時間煮雨 - 郁可唯
Tie It Up - Kelly Clarkson
In A World Like This - Backstreet Boys
Come With Me - Ricky Martin
Faster With You - Lenka
Carry You - Union J
초록비 (Green Rain) - 샤이니
오늘 밤 - 엠블랙(MBLAQ)
물 좋아? - 포미닛(4minute)
Coffee Shop - B.A.P
Come On A My House - Hey!Say!JUMP
슬피 우는 새 (Feat. 이수영) - 아웃사이더
Tail of Hope - BoA
Love Is In The Air - AAA
여자 통령 - 걸스데이(Girl`s Day)
비범벅(Feat. 범키) - 버벌진트(Verbal Jint)
내 이름을 불러줘 - 2PM
만인의 연인 (Feat. 하림) - Sunny Hill
I'm Sorry - 비스트
잘 있나요 (Acoustic Ver.) - 최진혁