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廈門大學統計學碩士 2021-03-31 20:25:36


發布時間: 2021-03-23 22:44:13

① 黎友煥的研究成果

國家社科基金項目評審「優秀獎」(國家哲學社會科學規劃辦公室,2004)、2004-2005年度廣東省哲學社會科學優秀成果獎二等獎(廣東省政府,2005)、廣東省2007年度重點圖書出版獎(廣東省新聞出版局,2007) 、第二屆國家「三個一百」原創出版工程獎(國家新聞出版署,2008)、中國大學出版社圖書獎首屆優秀學術著作獎二等獎(中國大學出版社協會,2009)、2006-2007年度廣東省哲學社會科學優秀成果獎二等獎(廣東省政府,2009)、廣東省優秀出版獎(廣東省出版協會,2009)、廣東省社會科學院2009年度學術精品表彰獎(中共廣東省社會科學院黨組,2010)、廣東省社會科學院2009年度優秀科研工作表彰獎(中共廣東省社會科學院黨組,2010)、廣東省社會科學院2010年度優秀科研工作表彰獎(中共廣東省社會科學院黨組,2011)、2008-2009年度廣東省哲學社會科學優秀成果獎三等獎(廣東省政府,2011)等。
Li Youhuan is a Ph.D. in economics, the senior visiting scholars and exchange of professors of University of Nottingham. The main research directions of Prof. Li are: corporate social responsibility, international economics, international trade, and international finance.
Prof. Li is the vice president of the Hong Kong Academy of Social Sciences; researchers, deputy director and researchers of the Institute of instrial Economic in Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences; chairman of Guangdong International Corporate Social Responsibility (at the provincial level ); Deputy Secretary of the Overseas Chinese Association; vice president of the exchange and the return of officers studying abroad Association; vice president of the Guangdong Institute of Civil and Commercial Law; adjunct professor of more than 10 departments and universities (research fellow, and graate instructors), including the ministry of commerce training center, Northwestern University, South China Normal University, Guangdong University of Business Studies; executive director of Guangdong Business Economics Institute, the Guangdong Provincial Instry and Regional Economy Research Institute; commentator of more than 10 medias including Asia-Pacific Economic Times and Guangdong Radio; review experts of the state philosophy and the social sciences fund; experts of major decision-making advice in Guangdong; evaluation experts of Guangdong Province philosophy and the social sciences fund project; expert of Guangdong Province propaganda front talents Ten-Hundred-Thousand Project s; expert of the first board on assessment of senior economist in Guangdong. Prof. Li also is employed in more than 20 organizations of corporate social responsibility.
Prof. Li has done the research on corporate social responsibility for nearly 10 years; he also studied abroad and visited more than 60 countries or regions in the world. When he pursued a doctorate in economics, he mainly focused on corporate social responsibility for a series of direction study. Prof. Li ran the auspices of the first professional website on SA8000 in China; published the country's first blue book on corporate social responsibility; presided over the establishment of China's first provincial-level corporate social responsibility professional institutes; presided over the first philosophy and the social sciences planning projects on SA8000 in all the provinces; presided over studying abroad returned fund project The construction of corporate social responsibility in china; auspices of the national philosophy and social science fund project Strengthening corporate social responsibility study; the first professor teaching corporate social responsibility in 211 project institutions (68 hours per semester); the earlier professor submitting report to state leaders on corporate social responsibility; the prolific scholar on corporate social responsibility in China.
Up to now, Prof. Li has already published six monographs, five books on corporate social responsibility and participated compiling four books in a series of corporate social responsibility. Prof. Li has published 80 academic papers on Corporate Social Responsibility; commissioned more than 20 grants of the Government at all levels and more than 30 grants of enterprises on corporate social responsibility; participated 310 times in the corporate social responsibility and academic activities organized by the government, 80 times by the international institutions; held over 300 talks in the more than 60 colleges and universities, more than 70 government agencies and more than 200 enterprises on corporate social responsibility; accepted a variety of media interviews on corporate social responsibility 220 many times; taught a total of more than 400 undergraate students, more than 200 graate students on corporate social responsibility; serves as instructor of five graate students on corporate social responsibility.

② 省級優秀學位論文有證書嗎


③ 中國優秀碩士學位論文全文資料庫的入口


④ 如何檢索某一大學在2005-2010年發表的博士學位論文或優秀碩士學位論文


⑤ 哪位老師指導了兩篇全國優秀學位論文


⑥ 廣東省優秀博士論文有什麼好處


⑦ 如何入選中國優秀碩士學位論文全文資料庫


⑧ 省級優秀碩士學位論文一般要多少頁

②、議論文的論據考點:論據是論點立足的根據,一般全為事實論據和道理論據。1、用事實作論據。事例必須真實可靠,有典型意義,能揭示事物本質並與論點有一定的邏輯聯系。議論文中,對所舉事例的敘述要簡明扼要,突出與論點有直接關系的部分。明確論據時,不僅要知道文中哪些地方用了事實論據,還要會概括事實論據。概括時,要做到准確,必須依據論點將論據本質特點把握住,然後用確切的語言進行表述。 2、用作論據的言論,應有一定的權威性,直接引用時要原文照錄,以真核對,不能斷章取義;間接引用時不能曲解原意。

⑨ 中國優秀碩士學位論文資料庫中是不是所有的碩士論文能被查到


《中國優秀碩士學位論文全文資料庫》簡稱 CMFD,是國內內容最全、質量最高、出版周期最短、數據最規范、最實用的碩士學位論文全文資料庫。覆蓋基礎科學、工程技術、農業、哲學、醫學、哲學、人文、社會科學等各個領域。截止至2011年6月,收錄來自598家培養單位的優秀碩士學位論文115萬多篇。資源特色:重點收錄985、211高校、中國科學院、社會科學院等重點院校高校的優秀碩士論文、重要特色學科如通信、軍事學、中醫葯等專業的優秀碩士論文。

⑩ 如何檢索某一大學在2010-2014年發表的博士學位論文或優秀碩士學位論文
