當前位置:首頁 » 文學經濟 » 管理經濟學英文
中國網路原創新人樂團 2021-03-31 20:26:56
黨政視頻素材 2021-03-31 20:25:44
廈門大學統計學碩士 2021-03-31 20:25:36


發布時間: 2021-03-18 13:25:44

⑴ 請教一道管理經濟學的題目,我們的老師是老外,留了道英語題目,不知道怎麼做,請大家幫幫忙,謝謝了.

^1 expected value=10%*2000+40%*5000+50%6000=5200
2 variance=10%*(1000-5200)^2+40%*(5000-5200)^2+50%*(6000-5200)^2=2100000(^2是平方的意思)
stardard deviation=2100000開平方(數學符號打不出來)=1449
3 if the second project has the same expectation but smaller standard deviation then you should choose the second the project, the reason is that the expected profit of the second profect is the same as the first one but contains smaller risk

⑵ 幫翻譯成英語 急

管理經濟學 Management Economics
信息資源管理、Data Management
資料庫原理 Database Administration
計算機網路 Computer Networks
數據結構 Database Structure
運籌學 Operation Studies
操作系統、Operating Systems
軟體開發工具、Software Programming Tools
信息系統開發、Information System Development
計算機應用技術、Computer Applications
高級語言程序設計 Advanced Language Programming
資料庫應用技術 Database Application Technologies
計算機原理 Computer Sciences
財務管理 Financial Management
組織與管理概論 Organization and Management Theories

⑶ 大學科目英文翻譯~急

市場營銷技巧 Marketing Techniques
體育基礎(上) Foundation of Physical Ecation(I)
高等數學(文科上) Advanced Mathematics(Liberal Arts I)
會計學 Accounting Principles
公共關系學 Public Relations
理學概論 Introction to Management
大學英語1 College English 1
計算機基礎與應用(上) Principles and Applications of Computer(I)
思想道德修養與法律基礎 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law
軍訓 Military Training
Extra-curricular Arrangements for Ideological and Moral Cultivation

數字電視節目規劃與設計 Planning and Design of Digital TV Programs
經濟法 Economic Law
市場營銷學 Marketing
中國近現代史綱要 Outline of Chinese Contemporary History
高等數學(文科下) Advanced Mathematics(Liberal Arts II)
微觀經濟學 Microeconomics
組織行為學 Organizational Behavioral Science
計算機基礎與應用2 Principles and Applications of Computer(II)
大學英語2 College English 2
體育基礎(下) Foundation of Physical Ecation(II)
社會調查 Social Investigation
市場營銷(學位) Marketing (Degree)
全國大學英語四級(學位) CET 4 (Degree)
財務管理 Financial Management
Sales and Marketing Environment Analysis(NCC)

電子商務技術及前沿 E-commerce Technology and Advancing Front
服務營銷學 Service Marketing
宏觀經濟學 Macroeconomics
統計學基礎與應用 Basis and Application of Statistics
線性代數 Linear Algebra
大學英語3 College English 3
體育專項(上) PE Specialty (I)
馬克思主義基本原理 Basic Principles of Marxism
計算機基礎3 Basis of Computer Engineering 3
Extra-curricular Arrangements of Principles of Marxist Philosophy

計算機硬體技術與實踐 Computer Hardware Technology and Practice
體育專項(下) PE Specialty (II)
運籌學 Operations Research
人力資源開發與管理 Human Resource Development and Management
大學英語4 College English 4
電子商務概論 Introction to E-Commerce
毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論和「三個代表」思想 Mao and Deng's Theories and The Important Thought of Three Represents.

概率論與數理統計 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
消費者行為學 Consumer Behavior Theory
Sales Planning and Advanced Sales Skills(NCC)

Under The Market-oriented Sales and Marketing

中國文化發展史 History of Development of Chinese Culture
管理經濟學 Management Economics
Extra-curricular Arrangements of Mao and Deng's Theories and The Important Thought of Three Represents.

生產運作管理 Proction and Operation Management
市場營銷調研與分析 Marketing Research and Analysis
專業英語 Specialty English
Excel和Spss在營銷學中的應用 Excel and Spss Application in Marketing
信息經濟學 Information Economics)
廣告學與廣告設計 Advertising Design and Advertising
項目管理 Project Management
金融學 Finance and Banking
數學一(概率、線代)考研輔導班 Mathematics--(Probability and Linear Algebra) Postgraate Remedial Class
客戶關系管理 Customer Relationship Management
銷售管理 Sales Management
電信法 Telecommunications Law
國際貿易理論與實務 Theory and Practice of International Trade
電信組織管理 Telecommunications Organization Management
專業英語 Specialty English
商務談判 Business Negotiations
管理信息系統 Management Information System
高等數學文(合)(學位) Higher Mathematics Liberal Arts( (Degree)


⑷ 管理經濟學中(P-ATC)是什麼意思


⑸ 求管理經濟學高手解答問題(英文)


⑹ 英語翻譯

the domestic and international situation
technical writing of economic and trade
economical math
statistic theory
international economic and trade geography
instrial economics
international settlements
management economics
analysis of cases of business administration

⑺ 誰有管理經濟學(第11版) 作者:(美)馬克·赫斯切 (Mark Hirschey) 的課後答案 後者 PPT~~ 中英文都可以



⑻ 急求高手解答 管理經濟學科類的英文題目,謝謝。


⑼ 那位大俠那裡可以下載到《管理經濟學 組織架構》這本書的英文版或者雙語版


⑽ 求助專業英語翻譯


Economic Law

An Introction to the basic principles of Marxism

Financial Management

Human Resource Management

Sports -3

Present Situation and Policies -3


College English -3

Database and its application

Managerial Economics

Calculus (Ⅲ) -2

Probability and Statistics (Ⅲ)

Outline of Modern Chinese History

College English -2

Situation and Policies -2

Sports -2

Linear Algebra (Ⅲ)

Calculus (Ⅲ) -1

And legal basis for the ideological and moral cultivation

Sports -1

Situation and Policy -1

The basis of accounting

Military theory
Military Training


Introction to Business Management

Principles of Management (Ⅱ)

College English -1

College Writing

Principle and maintenance of household appliances (Arts Stream)


Chinese culture (Philosophy articles)

History of Management Thought

Career Navigation

Business Etiquette

Employment and the Law

Economic Law

Business English