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中國網路原創新人樂團 2021-03-31 20:26:56
黨政視頻素材 2021-03-31 20:25:44
廈門大學統計學碩士 2021-03-31 20:25:36


發布時間: 2021-03-24 10:14:06

㈠ 中西文化英文參考文獻

Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed ecational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.

China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated ring the Sui Dynasty.Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city』s best middle schools. Already near fluent in English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade in physics. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. It is not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing about students like Shelly.

Throughout England, politicians, parents and pundits worry that the instriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, it is widely believed that North America is failing to proce sufficient graates in sciences and engineering.
Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate.North American ecation needs to move away from an emphasis on fun, flexibility and indivial learning styles.Instead, it has to shift towards a more strict, disciplined teaching environment that math and science, in particular, seem to demand.This shift can be discerned even in Canada, where there are no college entrance exams, and where, standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.

㈡ 關於中西方文化的英文參考文獻(節日文化)


Origin of Halloween: The Origin of Halloween, the largest version of that legend, it was before the birth of Christ from the ancient Western European countries, including Ireland, Scotland and Wales. That several of the ancient people of Western Europe were called Druids. Druids of the New Year in the November 1, New Year's Eve, Druids were set to allow young people team, wearing all kinds of strange mask, carrying a carved radish good lights (later the Department of pumpkin lights customs, the ancient Western Europe Pumpkin is not the first), they walk in between villages. This was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also said to be "Halloween" legend was dead,The soul will be the eve of Halloween, visit the world, it is said people should be allowed to visit the ghost to see the ghost of a successful harvest and showing a rich hospitality. All the bonfire and lights, one hand in order to frighten away the ghost, but also for the ghost light line, to guide their return.

㈢ 高分找關於企業文化的參考文獻!!


[1] 歐陽新年. 企業文化認知與塑造[J]. 北京市經濟管理幹部學院學報, 22003,(04) .
[2] 魏中龍,張慧. 企業文化建設、教化與功能實現[J]. 北京工商大學學報(社會科學版), 2004,(04) .
[3] 周忠英. 企業文化——未來企業的第一競爭力[J]. 商業研究, 2004,(03) .
[4] 何載福. 企業文化建設實踐與績效研究[D]. 華中科技大學, 2005 .
[5] 張敬文. 知識經濟時代企業文化建設探討[D]. 暨南大學, 2003 .
[6] 張藕香. 並購企業文化整合研究[D]. 湖南農業大學, 2003 .
[7] 趙鐵成. 論企業文化與企業績效的關系[A]. 中國新時期思想理論寶庫——第三屆中國傑出管理者年會成果匯編[C], 2007 .
[8] 張奇. 企業文化建設是推動企業發展的源動力[J]. 建設科技, 2005,(Z1)
[9] 李睿. 對企業文化建設的思考與建議[J]. 中國民用航空, 2007,(06)
[10] 陳中義. 企業發展 文化為基[J]. 四川建築, 2006,(06)

㈣ 企業文化參考文獻[M]


[1] 歐陽新年. 企業文化認知與塑造內[J]. 北京市經濟管理干容部學院學報, 22003,(04) .
[2] 魏中龍,張慧. 企業文化建設、教化與功能實現[J]. 北京工商大學學報(社會科學版), 2004,(04) .
[3] 周忠英. 企業文化——未來企業的第一競爭力[J]. 商業研究, 2004,(03) .
[4] 何載福. 企業文化建設實踐與績效研究[D]. 華中科技大學, 2005 .
[5] 張敬文. 知識經濟時代企業文化建設探討[D]. 暨南大學, 2003 .
[6] 張藕香. 並購企業文化整合研究[D]. 湖南農業大學, 2003 .
[7] 趙鐵成. 論企業文化與企業績效的關系[A]. 中國新時期思想理論寶庫——第三屆中國傑出管理者年會成果匯編[C], 2007 .
[8] 張奇. 企業文化建設是推動企業發展的源動力[J]. 建設科技, 2005,(Z1)
[9] 李睿. 對企業文化建設的思考與建議[J]. 中國民用航空, 2007,(06)
[10] 陳中義. 企業發展 文化為基[J]. 四川建築, 2006,(06)

㈤ 企業文化英文的參考文獻


㈥ 求 企業文化軟實力競爭研究 相關的中、英文參考文獻多多益善


1.約瑟夫*奈. 美國定能領導世界嗎? [M]. 北京內:軍事譯文出版社容, 1992, P25.
2.徐金發. 重視全球化背景下的企業軟實力競爭[J]. 北京:經濟師.2007.(7)P7.
4. 劉彧彧.企業形象力[M]北京:中國市場出版社.2006.P36



5. 亨利·名茨伯格. 名茨伯格論管理[M] 北京:機械工業出版社.2007
6.約翰·奈斯比特.大趨勢---改變我們生活的十個新方向[M]. 北京:中國社會科學出版社,1984
7. 藍艷玲. 從價值定位出發管理企業形象[J]. 北京:國家2007(6). P81.
8. 劉絳華.軟實力---知識經濟時代核心競爭力的關鍵[J].北京:求實,2006(12).

㈦ 英文參考文獻格式










如: FrankNorris與IrvingGordon應為:Norris,F.&I.Gordon.;

②書名、報刊名使用斜體字,如:MasteringEnglishLiterature, EnglishWeekly。



1、專著M ; 報紙N ;期刊J ;專利文獻P;匯編G ;古籍O;技術標准S ;

2、學位論文D ;科技報告R;參考工具K ;檢索工具W;檔案B ;錄音帶A ;


4、樂譜I; 電影片Y;手稿H;微縮膠卷U ;幻燈片Z;微縮平片F;其他E。


㈧ 企業文化的英文文獻


search for: organisation culture




㈨ 英文參考文獻

期刊名 卷數(期數):頁碼
The human TRIDENT/HFH-11/FKHL16 gene: structure, localization, and promoter characterization
作者是來自荷蘭的Korver W, Roose J, Heinen K, Weghuis DO, de Bruijn D, van Kessel AG, Clevers H