『壹』 求一篇翻譯類論文的開題報告 英文的
United States Senate Committee on Appropriations
The United States Senate Committee on Appropriations is a standing committee of the United States Senate. It has jurisdiction over all discretionary spending legislation in the Senate.
The Senate Appropriations Committee is the largest committee in the U.S. Senate, consisting of 30 members. Its role is defined by the U.S. Constitution, which requires "appropriations made by law" prior to the expenditure of any money from the Treasury, and is therefore one of the most powerful committees in the Senate. The committee was first organized on March 6, 1867, when power over appropriations was taken out of the hands of the Finance Committee.
The appropriations process
The federal budget is divided into two main categories: discretionary spending and mandatory spending. Each appropriations subcommittee develops a draft appropriations bill covering each agency under its jurisdiction based on the Congressional Budget Resolution, which is drafted by an analogous Senate Budget committee. Each subcommittee must adhere to the spending limits set by the budget resolution and allocations set by the full Appropriations Committee, though the full Senate may vote to waive those limits if 60 senators vote to do so. The committee also reviews supplemental spending bills (covering unforeseen or emergency expenses not previously budgeted).
Each appropriations bill must be passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president prior to the start of the federal fiscal year, October 1. If that target is not met, as has been common in recent years, the committee drafts a continuing resolution, which is then approved by Congress and signed by the President to keep the federal government operating until the indivial bills are approved.
『貳』 請問,我要寫《中英思維模式的差異對翻譯的影響》的開題報告,要怎麼寫提綱啊,研究方法等等,幫幫忙吧
研究方法就是文獻研究吧,如果可能還可以用一下問卷調查(具體要看你的 思路)
『叄』 關於(中西方文化差異)英語翻譯類論文開題報告
首先,思維與語言的關系猶如母與子的關系。先有人類思維後有語言、圖畫、音樂等外在表現形式。Language serves as dress of thought.Thoughts are always expressed by words
Without thinking,language would be meaningless?
中國自古以來就是傳統的農業大國,即所謂「靠天吃飯」。農業、土地與民生息息相關,所以就形成了「天人合一」這一中國文化的精髓。即把人與自然視為和諧統一的整體,人類文化與天命自然統一。The Taoist notion Of following nature is closed related,as in other naturalistic movements,to the idea of fate.這種中國文化的最高境界使中國人習慣於崇尚自然、行於自然;不違天命、順其自然的處世哲學和宿命論,即Let things remain as they are.而在人與天地萬物協調共存的世界中,則存在著循環往復、生生不息的發展變化。美國人說這是moving in endless circles and repeating it over and over again。中國的儒家與道家哲學就深深體現了這種觀點。如「道生一、一生二、二生三、三生萬物,萬物歸於道」等,這就是漢民族的循回式思維方式,比如在語言表現法中有回環式: 「人不犯我,我不犯人」,及遞進式表達: 「道高一尺,魔高一丈」。所以,中國人表達事物總是按時間和事理發展順序由因到果、由先到後、由大到小進行闡述,這種思維模式可稱為具體一般型表達(Particular-General Pattern)。習慣於問題解決型模式(Problem-solution Pattern),它們不僅在語言上如此,在文化藝術、經濟活動中也都佔有統治地位。也就是說中國人擅長具象思維。
I do not believe in fate that falls on us no matter what we do,but,1 do believe in fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.(我不相信,無論我們做什麼,我們的命運都一樣;但是我相
也就是說,He wants us to believe in the struggle,not in the fate.諸多此類象美國人熱衷於job-hopping(跳槽),美國人的夢想便是being a self-made man from rags to riches。再比
The Chinese is always described as a person who does things because they have been done before.And the Americans a person who does things because they haven』t been done before.(中國人做一件事是因為這件事以前有人做過;美國人做一件事是因為這件事以前從未有人做過。)Americans love to try something new mostly because of a belief that newer maybe better.(美國人喜歡嘗試新事物,很大程度上因為他們認為更
通過研究可知,英語自莎士比亞時代以來有很大發展。英語被譽為理性語言,這與歐美哲學較早與改造、征服自然的科學技術相結合,特別是培根和洛克等一代啟蒙哲學家恪守的客觀形式化方法(即邏輯論證)很有關系。British people love science and technology because these fields of study bring the excitement of new discovery. (英國人熱愛科學技術因為它能帶來新發現,是改造自然、征服自然的最有力武器。) The love of change is closely tied to faith in improvement.培根思維精深周密;洛克的哲理明豁通達,對英語影響極深。「哲學思辯」(Speculative Philosophy)使他們將英語化為對人類經驗(物理變化經驗、感覺經驗、價值經驗)理性構建的精闢描述。從語言學角度來說,培根和洛克等一代理性主義哲學家實質上為英語作了科學規范,以至被稱為: 「King』s English'』。綜上所述,我們不難理解:西方人的思維模式是一般具體型思維,擅長抽象思維,總是先概括後分解、先表態後敘述、先總結後事例、先整體後細節,由果到因、由小到大等。眾所周知,地名的敘述便為一例。
中國學生就常按中文語序脫口而出,使語義重心落在後面。實際上,按英語思維習慣應先概括,將語義重心放在前面,然後分解開來,所以應翻譯成It was keen disappointment
that I had to cancel the visit l had intended to pay to Hong Kong On July 1St.
讓我們看英語的語序:I strongly believe that it』s in the interests Of my countrymen that China should remain an active and energetic power in global economic matters.
I read English loudly in the open 一、引言
(1)英語中green with envy是什麼意思?人們忌妒或羨慕時臉色真的變綠或發青嗎?
(2)英語中說 Paul was in blue mood; Paul(保爾)是什麼情緒?高興、激動、悲哀,還是什麼?
在上列兩句中,green(綠)和 blue(蘭)都不是指顏色,兩個詞都有別的意思--某種文化方面的聯想--從字面上看這種意思不明顯。在詞典上,green 這個詞有「(臉色)變綠」的意思,但green with envy是個固定片語,不過表示「十分妒忌」而已。blue這個詞與mood之類的詞連用表現某種情緒時,表示「沮喪的」、「憂郁的」,例2之意為「保爾情緒低落」。以上兩個例子就涉及詞的字面意義和聯想內涵意義,這就是語言文化差異問題,在教學過程中發現許多學生在理解目的語(target language)時,遇到的障礙並非語言知識造成,而是由文化差異導致的。由此可見,在詞彙教學中加強語言文化因素的對比顯得尤為重要。
文化 culture一詞是一個含義極其廣泛的詞語。它狹義指文學、音樂、美術等,而廣義講是一個社會學術語,按照社會學家和人類學家對「文化」所下的定義,我們所說的「文化」是指一個社會所具有的獨特的信仰、習慣、制度、目標和技術的總模式。(鄧炎昌,劉潤清 1989年)
在漢語的文化氛圍中,「東風」即是「春天的風」,夏天常與酷署炎熱聯系在一起,「赤日炎炎似火燒」、「驕陽似火」是常被用來描述夏天的詞語。而英國地處西半球,北溫帶,海洋性氣候,報告春天消息的卻是西風,英國著名詩人雪萊的《西風頌》正是對春的謳歌。英國的夏季正是溫馨宜人的季節,常與「可愛」、「溫和」、「美好」相連。莎士比亞在他的一首十四行詩中把愛人比作夏天,Shall I compare thee to a summer』s day?/Thou art more lovely and more temperate,學生能體會到莎翁的「愛」嗎?
關於英漢習俗差異,最典型的莫過於在對狗這種動物的態度上。狗在漢語中是一種卑微的動物。漢語中與狗有關的習語大都含有貶意:「狐朋狗黨」、「狗急跳牆」、「狼心狗肺」、「狗腿子」等,盡管近些年來養龐物狗的人數大大增加,狗的「地位」似乎有所改變,但狗的貶義形象卻深深地留在漢語言文化中。而在西方英語國家,狗被認為是人類最忠誠的朋友。英語中有關狗的習語除了一部分因受其他語言的影響而含有貶義外,大部分都沒有貶義。在英語習語中,常以狗的形象來比喻人的行為。如You are a lucky dog(你是一個幸運兒),Every dog has his day(凡人皆有得意日),Old dog will not learn new tricks(老人學不了新東西)等等。形容人「病得厲害」用as sick as a dog,「累極了」是dog-tired。與此相反,中國人十分喜愛貓,用「饞貓」比喻人貪嘴,常有親呢的成份,而在西方文化中,「貓」被用來比喻「包藏禍心的女人」。
宗教信仰有關的習語也大量地出在在英漢語言中。佛教傳入中國已有一千多年的歷史,人們相信有「佛主」在左右著人世間的一切,與此有關的習語很多,如「借花獻佛」、「閑時不燒香,臨時抱佛腳」等。在西方許多國家,特別是在英美,人們信奉基督教,相關的習語如Good helps those who help themselves(上帝幫助自助的人),也有Go to hell(下地獄去)這樣的詛咒。英漢兩種語言中還有大量由歷史典故形成的習語,這些習語結構簡單,意義深遠,往往是不能單從字面意義去理解和翻譯的。如「東施效顰」、「名落孫山」、「葉公好龍」等等。英語典故習語多來自《聖經》和希臘羅馬神話,如Achilles』 heel(唯一致命弱點)、meet one』s waterloo(一敗塗地)、Penelope』s web(永遠完不成的工作)、a Pandora's box(潘多拉之盒棗災難、麻煩、禍害的根源)等。
中國人學英語大多數從初一開始,近年來才開始在部分小學或幼兒園開設英語課。從6年的中學英語學習過程中,筆者發現教師授課都存在一個普遍特徵,那就是先教單詞、短語,再講授課文和做練習。對於單詞的講授無不遵循三個原則:音、形、義,其中「義」也僅僅停留在單詞本身的字面意義上。而對於課文的講授則過分強調語言規則,即一個個的單詞是如何按照一定的語法規則組合成句子以及某些單詞和短語在這個句子中充當什麼成分。另外,對學生所掌握詞彙的考核也僅僅停留在要求學生會讀、會寫以及會運用單詞簡單造句,對於文化知識或是自身缺少了解,知識面不夠廣博,或是以為文化知識對學習語言,對提高考試成績無多大關系,因此往往一帶而過,甚至乾脆置之一旁。這種做法的弊端是顯而易見的。絕大部分學生完成六年的英語學習,腦袋中也裝滿了單詞和短語,可惜無法說出一個完整的句子,學到的仍然是「啞巴英語」。就是在中學英語新教材已經全面使用的今天,由於以上種種原因,雖然平時注意聽、說訓練,學生能夠運用所學的詞彙進行簡單交流,但由於對語言差異問題缺乏了解,以至於詞彙使用不當,出現諸如把「力大如牛」譯成「as strong as cow」,把「凡人皆有得意時」譯成「Every person has a happy day.」,把「揮金如土」譯成「to spend money like earth」,產生交際方面的一系列錯誤。它們的正確形式為 as strong as a horse; Every dog has its day;to spend money like water。而以下的英語學生能理解其含義嗎?如:as blind as a bat(有眼無珠), to rest on one』s oars(暫時歇一歇),to keep one』s head above water(奮力圖存),all at sea(不知所措)等等。
再如,politician 和statesman這兩個英語詞。Politician是「政治家」嗎?反過來說,漢語中的「政治家」這個詞應該怎樣譯成英語呢?有些略懂英語的學生譯作politician,這是不合適的。Politician這個詞在美國英語中,往往有很強烈的貶義色彩,引起別人的蔑視。它只為謀取個人私利而搞政治、耍手腕的人。這個詞還有「精明圓滑的人」(smooth--operator)之義。指一個人做事和說話時,信心十足,非常老練。漢語「政治家」這個詞應譯為statesman,在英國英語和美國英語當中都很貼切,statesman主要表示善於管理國家的明知之士;人們通常把有威望的高級政府官員稱為statesman。
(1) Look before you leap.三思而後行
(2) Burn one's boat.破釜沉舟
(3) Strike while the iron is hot.趁熱打鐵
(4) An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.以眼還眼,以牙還牙。
(5) to lose one's face, to save one's face丟面子,保面子
(1) The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.這山望著那山高。
(2) Nothing ventured, nothing gained.不入虎穴,焉得虎子
(3) That's a piece of cake.那是小菜一碟。
(4) As poor as a church mouse.一貧如洗
(5) Let sleeping dogs lie.切勿打草驚蛇
(1) to fish in muddy water(英語:形容多管閑事,自討沒趣)渾水摸魚
(2) to make one's hair stand on end(英語:令人毛骨悚然)令人發指
(3) to blow one's own horn(英語:自我炫耀,自吹自擂)各吹各的號
(4) to lock the stable gate after the horse has bolted(英語意思是「太遲了」)亡羊補牢
(1) Modest dogs miss much meat.(英語:謙虛的狗沒肉吃。)滿招損,歉受益
(2) Where there is fear there is modesty.(原為拉丁語格言:謙虛源於膽怯。)老王買瓜,自賣自誇(反諷)
(3) An excess of modesty obstructs the tongue.(英語:謙虛過分束縛舌頭。)自知之明(贊譽)
再如,漢語中的「上哪去啊?」以及「到哪兒去啊?」這樣打招呼的話直譯成英語就是Where are you going?和Where have you been?用這兩句英語來打招呼,大部分講英語的人聽了會不高興,它們反應很可能是:It』s none of your business!(你管得著嗎?)
王院長Principal Wang,劉軍長Army Commander Liu,馬經理 Manager Ma
這一點教材中都有時不注意,如:人教社JEFC教材Book 3 Lesson 14 The man upstairs中,出現過「I』m sorry to trouble you, comrade.」的道歉語。「comrade」是社會主義國家所特有的稱呼,在英語國家稱呼不知其名的陌生人常用Sir和Madam。如果我們和英語國家的人以comrade相稱,他們將會感到莫明其妙。
在JEFC Book 3 Lesson 34 Uncle Wang』s Factory中,學生們稱呼一位工人為「Uncle Wang」, 這也是中文思維套用英語的現象。漢語中的親屬稱謂有泛化使用的傾向,常用於非親屬之間:年輕人對長輩稱「叔叔」、「阿姨」;對平輩稱「大哥」、「大姐」。但在英語中,親屬稱謂不廣泛地用於社交。如果我們對母語是英語的長輩稱「Uncle Smith」、「Auntie Brown」,對方聽了會覺得不太順耳。英語文化中只有關系十分密切的情況下才使用此類親屬稱謂且後面不帶姓,只帶名,如「Uncle Tom」。
人教社JEFC Book 1中「What』s your name?」出現的頻率相當高,但對於它在何種情況下使用卻鮮有解釋。實際上,英語國家的人在談話時一般先介紹自己的名字,如「I am…」對方自然會即刻說出自己的姓名。即使在填寫表格、面談等場合需要問及姓名時,一般也只說「 Your name, please?」或「May I know your name?」或「How can I call you」等,如果使用「What』s your name?」,他們將有一種被審問的感覺。
又如學生知道teacher的含義是「老師」,也就相應地把「王老師」稱為Teacher Wang。 其實,英語中teacher只是一種職業;漢語有尊師的傳統,「教師」已不僅僅是一種職業,而成為一種對人的尊稱。由於這種文化上的差異,造成學生的簡單理解:王老師=Teacher Wang。此外還把漢語中習慣上稱呼的「唐秘書」、「張護士」稱為Secretary Tang, Nurse Zhang,英語國家的人聽起來感覺不可思議。英語中稱呼人一般用Mr., Miss, Mrs.等。
以please「請」為例。但是在某些場所卻不宜用英語please。讓別人先進門或先上車時,不說please,一般說:After you。但是初學英語的人常用You go first,這是不對的。在餐桌上請人吃飯、喝酒、或者請人抽煙時,一般用Help yourself(to sth.),也不用please.。
一般來說,我們中國人在家庭成員之間很少用「謝謝」。如果用了,聽起來會很怪,或相互關繫上有了距離。而在英語國家「Thank you.」幾乎用於一切場合,所有人之間,即使父母與子女,兄弟姐妹之間也不例外。送上一瓶飲料,准備一桌美餐,對方都會說一聲「Thank you.」公共場合,不管別人幫你什麼忙,你都要道一聲「Thank you.」。這是最起碼的禮節。
當別人問是否要吃點或喝點什麼時(Would you like something to eat/drink?),我們通常習慣於客氣一番,回答:「不用了」、「別麻煩了」等。按照英語國家的習慣,你若想要, 就不必推辭,說聲「Yes, please.」若不想要,只要說「No, thanks.」就行了。這也充分體現了中國人含蓄和英語國家人坦盪直率的不同風格。
在英語國家,贊美也常用來作為交談的引子。贊美的內容主要有個人的外貌、外表、新買的東西、個人財物、個人在某方面的出色的工作等。通常稱贊別人的外表時只稱贊她努力(打扮)的結果,而不是她的天生麗質。因此贊美別人發型的很多,贊美別人漂亮頭發的很少。對別人的贊美,最普通的回答是:「Thank you.」如:
A:Your skirt looks nice.
B:Thank you.
中國人初次見面問及年齡、婚姻、收入表示關心,而英語國家人卻對此比較反感,認為這些都涉及個人隱私。如在JEFC Book 1 Lesson 16中有這樣的對話:「How old are you, Mrs Read?」「Ah, it』s a secret!」為什麼Mrs Read不肯說出自己的年齡呢?因為英語國家人都希望自己在對方眼中顯得精力充沛,青春永駐,對自己實際年齡秘而不宣,婦女更是如此。再如中國人表示關心的「你去哪兒?」(Where are you going?)和「你在干什麼?」(What are you doing?)在英語中就成為刺探別人隱私的審問或監視別人的話語而不受歡迎。
中國和英語國家的文化差異還顯著地表現在節日方面。除中國和英語國家共同的節日(如New Year』s Day)外,雙方還各有自己獨特的節日,中國有the Spring Festival
『肆』 文學翻譯的風格及其可譯性論文的開題報告
『伍』 急求英語專業關於翻譯方向的畢業論文題目,開題報告,論文,給加高分哦~內容不要太過於大眾化!
『陸』 英語翻譯論文論文開題報告怎麼寫
An Analysis of the Different Cultural Connotations of Color Words between English and Chinese
Self-Selected and Approved by the Tutor
一、課題背景及意義 (課題的立題依據及研究意義)
Research Background:
A language not only expresses facts, ideas, or events which represent similar world knowledge by its people, but also reflects the people』s attitudes, beliefs, and world outlooks etc. People of different cultures structure the world around them differently, at least in the language they use to describe that world. Languages differ enormously from one another, and these differences are related to important differences in the customs and behaviors and other aspects of the cultures in which those language reside. In a word, language is a mirror of culture.
When we learn a new word we tend to look for its meaning in the word itself. Yet in addition to its dictionary meanings, the same word may stir up different associations in people, because of cultural differences. In our daily life, color words are the common illustrations of the cultural differences in language use. In Chinese and English cultures, color words are in the same way influenced by cultures, and used widely in people』s daily life.
Research Significance:
As the differences between Eastern and Western cultures led to the understanding of the color words are not the same . Color words contain a lot of deep meaning, implies a different ethnic feelings. If we do not take into account the impact of cultural differences, we are difficult to understand the implicit meaning of color words. The significance of this thesis is to enable a better understanding of color words, in order to enhance communication skills, avoid conflict of cultures.
二、課題研究現狀及發展趨勢 (課題研究領域的發展現狀及可能的發展方向)
Research Status:
Study of color words has long attracted linguists』 attention. The bright lights of the objective world and for humankind as a whole are the same, but the national language or in different books of different ages or different geographical dialects often be found to have different understanding about color words. This concentrated and fully prove that language is the result of human cognition to understand and express the objective world, different groups of people in cognitive understanding and expression of the world, e to the different natural environment, social life, cultural traditions. Study of color words in different languages between the similarities and differences. The same object can look at how the differences in cognitive terms showing similarities and differences between how the social and cultural differences and further expansion of the semantic differences, which for the cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics and culture, linguistics, and on second language teaching of applied linguistics has an important significance..
Research Tendency:
21st century』s color words study should stress the originality on research based on the achievements of the previous scholars, domestic or abroad. The study should keep track of the latest development of color words, making breakthrough, upgrading the research quality.
三、研究內容及研究目標 (對研究的內容進行說明,並闡明要達到的目標)
Research Contents:
A. Cultural Connotations of Black and Reflections in Idioms
1.Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms
1.1 Black Is Associated With the Solemn and the Dignified
1.2 Black Is Associated With Profit
1.3 Black Is Associated With the Black People
2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms
2.1 Black Is Associated With the Death
2.2 Black Is Associated With the Evil and Unfortunate
2.3 Black Is Associated With the Shame and Disgraceful
2.4 Black Is Associated With Anger
B. Cultural Connotations of White and Reflections in Idioms
1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms
1.1 White Is Associated With the Pure and Lucky
1.2 White Is Associated With Integrity and Honesty
2. Negative Connotations and Reflections in Idioms
2.1 White Is Associated With Death and Poor
2.2 White Is Associated With Worthless and Timid
C. Cultural Connotations of Red and Reflections in Idioms
1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms
1.1 Red Is Associated With Honor and Love
2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms
2.1 Red is Associated with the Obscenity
2.2 Red Is Associated With Revolution and Socialism.
2.3 Red Is Associated With Danger and Loss
D. Cultural Connotations of Yellow and Reflections in Idioms
1.Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms
1.1 Yellow Is Associated With the Noble
1.2 Yellow Is Associated With the Joy and Missing
2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms
2.1 Yellow Is Associated With the Vulgar and Exaggerative
2.2 Yellow Is Associated With the Coward and Disease
Research Objectives:
I write this thesis in order to make English learners have a better understanding of the cultural meaning of color words and enhance communication skills, avoid conflict in Western culture.
四、預計的研究難點 (課題研究過程中可能遇到的理論難題或技術難點)
With the changing society, people have a view of things may have diametrically opposite point of view, how is the color of the word has become more authoritative to be a problem; how to get people to attach importance to the implied meaning of color words which may lead to cultural conflict is also a problem. As the color words in real life, the widely used, it is difficult in a paper summarizing, so how to form the color words of the formation of an effective system is a difficult. Possible problems also contain: (1) Limited availability of helpful data, especially the books or articles written by the native scholars; (2) Difficulty in the presentation of insightful ideas and the attainment in originality e to lack of the knowledge related.
五、創新點 (選題、觀點、理論、材料、方法等創新點)
The English language is developing constantly, keeping absorbing more color words. What is new in my thesis is that I try to focus my study on color words in modern English, making the research keep pace with the times, with the latest development in loanwords.
六、進度計劃 (根據研究內容及研究目標所預計的進度安排)
1. Nov.16th - Nov.22nd , 2008 Subject selecting & topic narrowing
2. Nov.23rd - Dec.20th , 2008 Data gathering
3. Dec.21st - Jan.10th , 2009 Opening report & detailed outline
4. Jan.11th - Feb.8th, 2009 Literature review
5. Feb.9th - Mar.14th, 2009 First draft
6. Mar.15th - Apr.10th, 2009 Second draft
7. Apr.11th - Apr.20th, 2009 Final version
8. Apr.27th - May 14th, 2009 Printing
9. May 17th - May 25th, 2009 Thesis debate
七、資料來源 (指能夠支持「課題背景」、「課題研究現狀及發展趨勢」所論述內容的主要文獻資料)
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『柒』 中英習語翻譯比較的論文開題報告怎麼寫