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中國網路原創新人樂團 2021-03-31 20:26:56
黨政視頻素材 2021-03-31 20:25:44
廈門大學統計學碩士 2021-03-31 20:25:36


發布時間: 2021-03-23 11:51:44

㈠ 如何進入香港大學法學


1.香港大學的法學碩士主要有兩種回,一種是P.C.LL(法學專答業資格證書,同碩士學位,Postgraate Certificate of Laws),這個必須有香港或者英聯邦地區法學學士學位才能申請,因為它是一種職業訓練,一般讀了的人都會去做律師或者大律師. 另外一種學位是LL.M.(法學碩士),申請讀這個課程原則上要求本科法學學位,因為它是一種學術型的拓展課程. 如果你本科不是法學學位,建議在你的大學里雙修一個法學學士學位(它不一定要求你是英美法地區的法學學位,也不一定非要在港大讀,在內地讀也可以的),才能申請.

2.可以以transfer(轉校生)或international student的名義申請,可能需要提供語言成績或者SAT之類,總之如果申請到港大讀法學學士,他們基本是不會考慮你已經取得的管理學學位,而純粹從你的高中畢業的基礎和其他輔助性的申請材料來考慮你是否能夠被錄取.我嚴重不建議你做這個選擇.

㈡ 香港大學法律系怎麼進需要什麼條件


A. Students from high schools:
Passes in five acceptable Grade 12 courses, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of these courses.

British Columbia
Passes in five acceptable subjects in the Senior Secondary Graation Diploma (Grade 12 or BC Provincially Examinable Courses), provided that not less than grade B is achieved in each of these subjects.

High school graation diploma with five full credits at Grade 12 level (i.e. 40 level) in courses designated S(Specialized), G(General), or U(University-based), provided that at least 70% is achieved in three out of the five credits which should be S or U courses.

New Brunswick
Passes in five acceptable subjects in the High School Graation Diploma, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of these subjects.

Passes in at least five acceptable subjects in the Grade 12 High School Diploma, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of these subjects.

Nova Scotia
Passes in five acceptable Grade 12 subjects in Honours University Preparatory Courses or in University Preparatory Courses in the High School Completion Certificate, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of these subjects.

Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), with a minimum of six Grade 12 U or M courses of which a minimum grade of 70% is obtained in each of these courses.

Prince Edward Island
Passes in five acceptable Grade 12 subjects in the High School Graation Diploma, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of these subjects.

Diploma d-Etudes Collegiales (DEC) (Diploma of Collegial Studies).

Passes in five acceptable subjects of Division IV standing (Grade 12), provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of these subjects.

B. Students studying at university:
Successful completion of one year's study on a bachelor's degree programme at a recognised university in Canada.
(Qualifications obtained in colleges in Canada are not recognised by the University for undergraate admission.)

但要知道的是,以上是基本入學條件,而港大法律系要求的是「精英」,只會擇優取錄。除了成績以外還必須經面試,LZ那種應該會phone interview,英語的流利程度大概像native一樣;也得看個人成就課外活動甚麼的,有心理准備,很難。

㈢ 香港大學法律專業

Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law

Entrance Requirements:
(1) A degree of Bachelor of Laws with good honours or an equivalent qualification; or
(2) Having been admitted to the professional practice of law in Hong Kong or in a territory or country other than Hong Kong; or
(3) Having obtained either the Common Professional Examination of England and Wales or the Common Professional Examination Certificate of this University with good results, provided that in either case the candidate has also obtained at least a second class honours degree of this University or from another university or comparable institution accepted for this purpose.
(4) In the case of admission to the Master of Laws in Human Rights programme or the Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law only, hold another degree in a discipline other than law with at least second class honours or a qualification of equivalent standard from this University or from another university or comparable institution accepted for this purpose and provided that the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee is satisfied that by reason of candidate's background, experience and professional qualifications, if any, the candidate is fit to follow the programme.
(5) Applicants may be required to pass a qualifying examination or submit satisfactory evidence of English proficiency if English is not their first language.

Postgraate Diplomas

Entrance Requirements:
1. A degree of Bachelor of Laws with good honours or in another appropriate discipline with good honours with relevant background, experience and professional qualifications or an equivalent qualification; or

2. Having been admitted to the professional practice of law in Hong Kong or in a territory or country other than Hong Kong; or

3. Having obtained either the Common Professional Examination of England and Wales or the Common Professional Examination Certificate of this University with good results, provided that in either case the candidate has also obtained at least a second class honours degree of this University or from another university or comparable institution accepted for this purpose.

4. Applicants may be required to pass a qualifying examination or submit satisfactory evidence of English proficiency if English is not their first language.
Diploma就更沒有要求本科是law了(加拿大本科應該也沒開), 只是要relevant discipline.

㈣ 關於申請港大法學院和港中文法學院研究生的具體事宜,感謝各位耐心而專業的回答


㈤ 如何申請香港大學法律研究生










㈥ 香港中文大學和港香港城市大學的法學院哪個好


㈦ 香港大學法學碩士

香港最好的法學院就是香港大學法學院。香港的法學院和西方的相似,法學院的項目分LLM和J.D。LLM(master of law)是只需要托福成績就可以申請的一個項目,JD需要LAST成績(法學院入學考試)和托福成績。國內有些人把JD翻譯成法學博士,不過國內的法學博士和國外的JD 還是有很大區別的。所以如果想更有競爭力一點的,不妨嘗試一下JD,讀完後可以在香港考律師執照。法學碩士一般開始申請是在頭年的11月12月,大概第二年的3或4月結束申請,也有2月就結束的,之間的時間都可以申請(具體日期應在學校網站上)。一般都是秋季(fall)入學,也有學校春秋季(spring or fall)都有入學,這個就是各個學校的規定不同,需要上學校的網站查。大陸上了研究生和那邊沒有什麼關系,大概就是重新讀。
對了,申請時還需要准備英文簡歷,個人陳述(personal statement)和推薦信(2-3封,各個學校要求不同),還有大學成績單。

㈧ 如何就讀香港大學法律系


㈨ 申請香港法學博士學位PHD和SJD的區別






㈩ 香港大學、武漢大學、北京大學,哪一個大學的法學院最好
