⑴ 有沒有關於病理技術的英文雜志
《中文核心期刊要目總覽》(2011版)收錄臨床醫學的核心期刊如下(共20種): 1.中國危重病急救醫學 2.中華超聲影像學雜志 3.中國醫學影像技術 4.中國康復醫學雜志 5.中華檢驗醫學雜志 6.中華物理醫學與康復雜志 7.中國超聲醫學雜志 8.中華護理雜志9.臨床與實驗病理學雜志 10.中國輸血雜志 11.中華急診醫學雜志 12.中國急救醫學 13.臨床檢驗雜志14.診斷病理學雜志 15.中國康復理論與實踐 16.中國醫學影像學雜志 17.中國中西醫結合急救雜志 18.中國疼痛醫學雜志 19.中國感染與化療雜志 20.中國實用護理雜志 SCIE收錄的醫學類期刊較多,給你提供下列三種: 1. CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL TRIALS(縮寫:CONTEMP CLIN TRIALS) Bimonthly ISSN: 1551-7144 ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710 2. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION(縮寫:EUR J CLIN INVEST) Monthly ISSN: 0014-2972 WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774 3. CLINICAL SCIENCE(縮寫:CLIN SCI) Monthly ISSN: 0143-5221 PORTLAND PRESS LTD, CHARLES DARWIN HOUSE, 12 ROGER STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1N 2JU
⑵ 臨床病理的英文怎麼寫
clinicopathologic 是臨床病理的英文的意思
⑶ 英文翻譯!!!醫學相關!!
一個16多歲的女孩,歷史,腸易激綜合症pressents到急診部與被刺周圍腹痛。比前3個月,她已經注意到消瘦,漸進腹部豐滿, 2時58分鬆散凳子每天。
體格檢查:血壓105/65mmhg ,脈沖110 ,溫度為38.4 ℃ 。秘書長:薄;中度疼痛。 heent : anicteric.lympnotes :沒有淋巴結。心血管系統: tachycardic ,沒有雜音。胸部:明確以聽診。腹部:適度distention ,輕度周圍壓痛,降低腸音。四肢:無水腫。
化驗結果:白細胞12/ul ( 80 % ,中性粒細胞, 16 %淋巴細胞) ,血紅蛋白12.1g/dl , platelets350 , 000/ul.biochemistryprofile :正常的。 liverfunctiontests :正常的。 chestradiograph :正常的。腹部電腦斷層掃描:小腸阻塞因腹部淋巴結腫大。
過程:病人是採取了或與經歷節段性切除梗阻空腸和淋巴結biopsy.the病理的淋巴結活檢顯示彌漫性浸潤的nodeby大型多形性淋巴細胞與馬蹄狀細胞核。免疫染色顯示,這些細胞呈陽性反應,陽性, cd25的,和cd3 ,但陰性cd20的和中cd15 (見圖) 。
⑷ 植物病理學用英語怎麼說
英 [ˌfaɪtəʊpə'θɒlədʒɪ] ;美 [ˌfaɪtoʊpə'θɒlədʒɪ]
例如:A Flexible Information Retrieval System on phytopathology.
⑸ 英文字母縮寫:ZA GA JA CA在病理學各代表什麼意思
GA general anesthesia 全身麻醉
CA Cancer 癌
⑹ 實驗病理學英文怎麼寫
[詞典] [醫] experimental pathology;
This is the webpage of the Department of Experimental Pathology, Kyoto University.
⑺ 有沒有英文版的內科學或者病理學呢PDF或者Word版本的~~~求求求~~~qq:848011684 懸賞啊~~~~~~~~~~~
希氏內科學 最新版 23版 英文
四個全都下載下來 然後解壓縮
⑻ 普通植物病理學的英文名稱
General Plant Pathology
⑼ 臨床醫學 英文縮寫是英文原寫 是
臨床醫學- Clinical Medicine
基礎醫學-Preclinical Medicine
⑽ 如何找一篇英文病理學綜述
Pathology is a branch of medical science primarily concerning the cause, origin and nature of disease. It involves the examination of tissues, organs, bodily fluids and autopsies in order to study and diagnose disease.
Currently, pathology can be divided into eight main areas, depending on the types of methods used or the types of diseases examined. These different disciplines are described below.
General pathology
General pathology describes a complex and broad field that involves the study of the mechanisms behind cell and tissue injury, as well as understanding how the body responds to and repairs injury. Examples of areas that may be studied include necrosis, neoplasia, wound healing, inflammation and how cells adapt to injury. Thorough understanding in these areas is applied in the diagnosis of disease. General pathology is also the term used to describe anatomical and clinical pathology.
This field covers areas of pathology, but at a less specialist level. A person working in general pathology would be trained in the areas of laboratory analysis, such as hematology and clinical chemistry. However, they would have a less detailed knowledge than a person who specializes in one of these fields.
Anatomical pathology
This field is concerned with the study and diagnosis of illness through microscopic analysis of samples from bodily fluids, tissues organs and sometimes the entire body or autopsy. Factors that may be examined include the cell appearance, anatomical make up and chemical signatures within cells.
This discipline can be subdivided into several disciplines and examples of these are given below:
Histology – Samples of bodily tissues and organs are prepared and examined in order to detect and diagnose disease. The architecture of tissue is observed at a microscopic level and the relationship between different cell and tissue types is examined.
Cytology – Bodily fluids and tissues are examined at the cellular level in order to screen for and diagnose disease and help aid treatment decisions. A cytologist will examine how cells look, form and function.
Forensic pathology – Forensic pathology is the examination of an autopsy in order to discover the cause of death. The external appearance is first assessed to check for evidence of wounds or suffocation, for example. Surgical proceres are then begun and the internal organs are studied to see whether internal injuries exist and are connected to external ones.
Clinical pathology
Also referred to as laboratory medicine, clinical pathology concerns the analysis of blood, urine and tissue samples to examine and diagnose disease. Examples of the information clinical pathology laboratories may provide include blood count, blood clotting and electrolyte results. A clinical pathologist is usually trained in microbiology, hematology or blood banking, but not at the same expert level as someone who specializes in one of these fields.
A clinical pathologist may come across problems that demand specific expertise, at which point they would need to consult a colleague who is more specialized. Clinical pathologists play a similar role to that of general pathologists, although they would not be involved in anatomical pathology.
Chemical Pathology or Biochemistry
Biochemists or chemical pathologists examine all aspects of disease, identifying changes in various different substances found in the blood and bodily fluids such as proteins, hormones and electrolytes, since these changes can indicate and provide clues about disease or disease risk.
For example, a biochemist may assess cholesterol and triglyceride levels in order to determine heart disease risk. They may also look for and measure tumor markers, vitamins, poisons, medications and recreational drugs.
There are three main branches of genetics and these include the following:
Cytogenetics: This is the analysis of chromosomal abnormalities at the microscopic level.
Biochemical genetics: The search for specific disease markers using biochemical techniques.
Molecular genetics: Gene mutations are searched for and analyzed using DNA technology.
Genetics involves performing tests on chromosomes, biochemical markers and DNA taken from bodily fluids and tissues in order to detect genetic illnesses....