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中國網路原創新人樂團 2021-03-31 20:26:56
黨政視頻素材 2021-03-31 20:25:44
廈門大學統計學碩士 2021-03-31 20:25:36


發布時間: 2021-03-21 13:34:17

A. 英文畢業論文的Acknowledgement(致謝辭)請大家給我提供幾個範本


First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.

B. 英文欠條範本

一、欠條寫作要注意以下事項:1、欠條是付還欠物、欠款或索要欠物、欠款的憑據,所以在寫欠條時不可潦草從事。同時欠條要好好保存,以防丟失。2、欠條乃人們在日常交往中的一種借還憑證,一般不具有法律的約束力,因此必要時可在立欠條時經由一定的法律程序,以防後患。3、欠條務必要字跡清晰,不可塗改。若不得不改動的,則需由改動方在改動處加蓋公章(私 章)或個人簽名。4、錢款數字要大寫。5、要注意欠條與借條有所不同,欠條適用范圍比借條要廣泛,借條約定的事項表明的債權債務關系比欠條要更為清楚、明確。欠條一般由標題、正文、落款三部分組成。(一)標題欠條的標題一般由文種名構成,即在正文上方中間以較大字體寫上「欠條」兩字。也有的在此位置寫上「暫欠」或「今欠」字樣作為標題,但這種標題正文則在下一行頂格寫。(二)正文欠條的正文要寫清欠什麼人或什麼單位什麼東西、數量多少,並要註明償還的日期。(三)落款落款要署上欠方單位名稱和經手人的親筆簽名,是個人出具的欠條則需署上立欠方個人的姓名。並同時署上欠條的日期。單位的要加蓋公章,個人的要加蓋私章或按手印。二、範文欠 條XXXX年3月份借到王XX人民幣捌拾萬元整,特留此據,作為憑證。張XX(簽名蓋章或按手印)XXXX年×月×日欠 條XXXX年3月份借到王XX人民幣捌拾萬元整,今補欠條,作為憑證。張XX(簽名蓋章或按手印)XXXX年×月×日欠 條原借杜XX同志人民幣叄佰圓整,已還壹佰伍拾萬元整,尚欠壹佰伍拾萬元整,兩個月內還清。劉XX(簽名蓋章或按手印)XXXX年×月×日還是來中文的吧

C. 英文的唁電怎麼寫呀

please accepts our deepest sympathy for the pass away of 死者名字。

D. 唁電範文


E. 英文拜訪函的範本!!

Dear Sir/Madam,

With the economy development, your company is the organization that we would like to meet the most, to enhance the intercommunication and cooperation on sports instry between Canada and China. We sincerely hope that we can visit your gymnasium before July 14, 2006, and discuss the development and communication of Guangdong sports instry between Canada and China.
We are looking forward to receiving your response of arranging a meeting as soon as possible.


Sincerely yours, (put your name or your company's name in English)

F. 英文收據的格式範本可以給我下嗎謝謝啦,好急的

Received from Mr. Jerome Kern the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED YUAN Only
(Renminbi) on July 2nd, 2001, being the rent for the month of June 2002 for the premises occupied by him at 127 Qingzhu Road, Shenzhen.
Liu Ming

茲收到傑羅姆.科恩先生2001 年7 月2 日交納的捌佰元整(人民幣)。該款項是其為居
住在深圳青竹路127 號所交納的2002 年7 月份租金

G. compensation agreement ---急求英文範本


H. 求關於留學的中英文推薦信範本


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to strongly recommend Mr. Zhou, a worthy youth, as a prospective candidate for your graate program. As a former teacher of Mr. Zhou, I know him very well.

Mr. Zhou is enrolled in my class of Computer Network. He was always very active in class, coming up with novel and persuading solutions to questions met with in practical cases. He listened to the class very attentively; his notes were always clear and clean. And he was always the active student in the discussion with the classmates and me. I was delighted to see that some of his questions were thoughtful. Some of his comments showed that he grasped the fundamental theories of the subject well and he had obvious got a lot of nutrition from extensive readings.

He once told me that he enjoyed my class because he is interested in computer technology; and my class satisfied his curiosity of the world of computer network. With keen curiosity and intuition, he was always trying to get a thorough understanding of every important concept of my class.

And I would like to add that Mr. Zhou is a nice young boy. Through my association with him, I found him Active, enthusiasm, sociable, considerate and ready to help others. He wiped the blackboard for me at the end of my class sometimes and often bought his note book for his classmates who fell to take notes in my class.

Because of Mr. Zhou』s diligence and trustworthy personality, I am sure you will find him a diligent and pleasant person to work with. I recommend him to you without any reservation.

Yours honestly,

Associate Professor