A. 有Laravel可用的創建SoapServer和SoapClient的包嗎
它允許在瀏覽器中使用的代碼在瀏覽器中的Web伺服器上運行JAVA功能,就像它。 它由兩個主要部分組成:WEB伺服器允許從一個原則的JavaScript跟著AJAX的Servlet(小應用程序)來獲得,另
B. vc6.0訪問webservice的方法,希望有代碼示例
C. soap病歷分析範例乏力多尿3月
到底每個病種都要S-O-A-P還是A這塊單獨分析,如果是這樣,這和常規住院病歷沒什麼區別了。所謂POMR我還是很模糊 小
D. 大學英語寫作範文
The Most Important Day in My Life
Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore? I was like that ship before my ecation began, only I had no way of knowing how near the harbor was.
The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.
On the afternoon of that exciting day, I guessed vaguely from my mother』s signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps.
I felt approaching footsteps. I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand. Someone took it, and then I was caught up and held close in the arms of the person who had come to reveal all things to me, and, more important than that, to love me.
The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. When I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word 「d-o-l-l」. I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was filled with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I simply made my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way many words, among them, 「pin」, 「hat」, 「cup」, and a few verbs like 「sit」, 「stand」 and 「walk」, but my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.
One day while I was playing with my new doll, Miss Sullivan gave me my old doll, too. She then spelled 「d-o-l-l」 and tried to make me understand that 「d-o-l-l」 applied to both. Earlier in the day, we had a struggle over the two words 「m-u-g」 is 「mug」 and 「w-a-t-e-r」 is 「water」 , but I persisted in mixing up the two. I became impatient and, seizing the new doll, I dashed it on the floor, breaking it into pieces. I was not sorry after my fit of temper. In the dark, still world, I had no strong sentiment for anything.
My teacher brought me my hat, and I knew we were going out into the warm sunshine. We walked down the path to the well-house. Someone was drawing water, and my teacher placed my hand under the spout. As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she spelled into the other word water, first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still; my whole attention was fixed upon the movements of her finger. Suddenly I seemed to remember something I had forgotten — a thrill of returning thought – and the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that the 「w-a-t-e-r」 meant that wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul and set it free.
I left the well-house eager to learn. Everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought. As we returned to the house, every object which I touched seemed to be full of life. That was because I saw everything with a strange, new sight that had come to me. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the fragments and tried in vain to put them together. Then my eyes were filled with tears, for I realized what I had done, and for the first time I felt sorry.
I learned a lot of new words that day. It would have been difficult to find a happier child than me when I lay in my small bed that night and thought of the joys that day had brought to me, and for the first time I longed for a new day to come.
E. 求關於甲流的英語作文範文
Dear students,
H1N1 flu is spreading widely across the world. In order to ensure a safe and happy winter vacation, the Students』 Union calls on each of us to take measures to prevent the H1N1 flu efficiently.
First of all, a positive attitude is necessary. H1N1 flu is preventable and curable, so there』s no need to panic, and keeping our spirits up can always make a big difference. Besides, it』s important to ensure our personal hygiene, especially frequent hand-washing with soap and water, the simplest but the most effective way. In addition, our own immune system, which plays a vital role in keeping us safe from the H1N1 flu or any other disease, should be strengthened without any hesitation. To achieve this, were supposed to maintain a healthy diet, do exercise regularly and get enough sleep as well.
Last but not least, try to avoid close contact with people who are sick and places crowded with people, like shopping malls and supermarkets, so as to rece the chance of getting infected.
Nothing is more worthy of our attention than our health. Only when we have a healthy body can we really enjoy the holiday and our life. Act now.
Students』 Union
Jan. 26, 2010
F. java WebService介面採用SOAP協議的調用
G. 關於xml技術
是eXtensible Markup Language的縮寫。擴展標記語言XML是一種簡單的數據存儲語言,使用一系列簡單的標記描述數據,而這些標記可以用方便的方式建立,雖然XML佔用的空間比二進制數據要佔用更多的空間,但XML極其簡單易於掌握和使用。
XML與Access,Oracle和SQL Server等資料庫不同,資料庫提供了更強有力的數據存儲和分析能力,例如:數據索引、排序、查找、相關一致性等,XML僅僅是展示數據。事實上XML與其他數據表現形式最大的不同是:他極其簡單。這是一個看上去有點瑣細的優點,但正是這點使XML與眾不同。
XML的簡單使其易於在任何應用程序中讀寫數據,這使XML很快成為數據交換的唯一公共語言,雖然不同的應用軟體也支持其它的數據交換格式,但不久之後他們都將支持XML,那就意味著程序可以更容易的與Windows、Mac OS, Linux以及其他平台下產生的信息結合,然後可以很容易載入XML數據到程序中並分析他,並以XML格式輸出結果。
XML的前身是SGML(The Standard Generalized Markup Language),是自IBM從60年代就開始發展的GML(Generalized Markup Language)
同HTML一樣, XML (可擴展標識語言)是通用標識語言標准(SGML)的一個子集,它是描述網路上的數據內容和結構的標准。盡管如此,XML不象HTML,HTML僅僅提供了在頁面上顯示信息的通用方法(沒有上下文相關和動態功能) ,XML則對數據賦予上下文相關功能,它繼承了SGML的大部分功能,卻使用了不太復雜的技術。.
因為XML是W3C制定的,XML的標准化工作由W3C的XML工作組負責,該小組成員由來自各個地方和行業的專家組成,他們通過email交流對XML標準的意見,並提出自己的看法 (www.w3.org/TR/WD-xml)。因為XML 是個公共格式, (它不專屬於任何一家公司),你不必擔心XML技術會成為少數公司的盈利工具,XML不是一個依附於特定瀏覽器的語言
標簽由包圍在一個小於號(<)和一個大於號(>)之間的文本組成,例如<tag>。起始標簽(start tag)表示一個特定區域的開始,例如<start>;結束標簽(end tag)定義了一個區域的結束,除了在小於號之後緊跟著一個斜線(/)外,和起始標簽基本一樣,例如</end>。SGML還定義了標簽的特性(attribute),它們是定義在小於號和大於號之間的值,例如<img src="picture.jpg">中的src特性。如果你覺得它看起來很熟悉的話,應該知道,基於SGML的語言的最著名實現就是原始的HTML。
q 某些起始標簽不允許出現結束標簽,例如HTML中<img>標簽。包含了結束標簽就會出現錯誤。
q 某些起始標簽可以選擇性出現結束標簽或者隱含了結束標簽,例如HTML中<p>標簽,當出現另一個<p>標簽或者某些其他標簽時,便假設在這之前有一個結束標簽。
q 某些起始標簽要求必須出現結束標簽,例如HTML中<script>標簽。
q 標簽可以以任何順序嵌套。即使結束標簽不按照起始標簽的逆序出現也是允許的,例如,<b>This is a <i> sample </b> string</i>是正確的。
q 某些特性要求必須包含值,例如<img src="picture.jpg">中的src特性。
q 某些特性不要求一定有值,例如<td nowrap>中的nowrap特性。
q 定義特性的兩邊有沒有加上雙引號都是可以的,所以<img src="picture.jpg">和<img src=picture.jpg>都是允許的。
q 任何的起始標簽都必須有一個結束標簽。
q 可以採用另一種簡化語法,可以在一個標簽中同時表示起始和結束標簽。這種語法是在大於符號之前緊跟一個斜線(/),例如<tag />。XML解析器會將其翻譯成<tag></tag>。
q 標簽必須按合適的順序進行嵌套,所以結束標簽必須按鏡像順序匹配起始標簽,例如<b>this is a <i>sample</i> string</b>。這好比是將起始和結束標簽看作是數學中的左右括弧:在沒有關閉所有的內部括弧之前,是不能關閉外面的括弧的。
q 所有的特性都必須有值。
q 所有的特性都必須在值的周圍加上雙引號。
如果需要關於SGML和XML具體技術上的對比,請查看W3C的註解,位於:http://www.w3. org/TR/NOTE-sgml-xml.html
每個XML文檔都由XML序言開始,在前面的代碼中的第一行便是XML序言,<?xml version="1.0"?>。這一行代碼會告訴解析器和瀏覽器,這個文件應該按照前面討論過的XML規則進行解析。第二行代碼,<books>,則是文檔元素(document element),它是文件中最外面的標簽(我們認為元素(element)是起始標簽和結束標簽之間的內容)。所有其他的標簽必須包含在這個標簽之內來組成一個有效的XML文件。XML文件的第二行並不一定要包含文檔元素;如果有注釋或者其他內容,文檔元素可以遲些出現。
頁面再往下的一些地方,可以發現<desc>標簽里有一些特殊的語法。<![CDATA[ ]]>代碼用於表示無需進行解析的文本,允許諸如大於號和小於號之類的特殊字元包含在文本中,而無需擔心破壞XML的語法。文本必須出現在<![CDATA[和]]>之間才能合適地避免被解析。這樣的文本稱為Character Data Section,簡稱CData Section。
<?page render multiple authors ?>
雖然它看上去很像XML序言,但實際上是一種稱為處理指令(processing instruction)的不同類型的語法。處理指令(以下簡稱PI)的目的是為了給處理頁面的程序(例如XML解析器)提供額外的信息。PI通常情況下是沒有固定格式的,唯一的要求是緊隨第一個問號必須至少有一個字母。在此之後,PI可以包含除了小於號和大於號之外的任何字元串序列。
H. 英語演講範文 大學生活與成功
The four-year university is approaching the end of life. This is a short span of four years, but my life is precious four years. Over the past four years, I have a rash of juvenile growth for a public hospital qualified graates, to describe itself is not an exaggeration. Can be summed up in the past aside time for the fog, clear look back on the road, so as to the future of the journey in life to prepare some of the experiences and lessons.
The four-year university study and life is the main line. University study is very different from the past in a new form, it gives the students a greater autonomy and a broader space of thinking, as well as learners of a higher demand. In this semi-open mode of teaching requires learners must have a clear purpose of the study, there are more choices and greater ability to distinguish self-learning ability. In this regard, I should like to thank the four years of university study and life in this period of the previous setbacks and success, so I really know how to conct self-study, how to choose a purpose of study, followed by their own self - And learning efficiency. And learning beyond the extra-curricular activities involved in science and technology, but also for learning a consolidated and strengthened, not only to improve my ability to broaden my knowledge, but also in the process of constant exploration, but also to To learn more about their own things to update, which further enrich their knowledge.
People living in the homes of four years, not just from knowledge of what the campus rigorous style of study of practical, innovative and realistic atmosphere, but also exerts a subtle influence on my thinking and learning, all of which mode of thinking and the ability to access, is I study a few years the biggest gains, and this is bound to affect my future life.
In one of the growth process, the needs of not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also need to correct the ideological foundation and a correct outlook on life and values. Can continue to have the knowledge, and outlook on life, once formed, a person's life are immeasurable. Tsinghua University in the past few years, I can feel the teaching in schools, ecating people on the importance of the link. The theme of a wide range of activities, to explore a wide range of ideas, influences the formation of my life. Before entering a university before, life for me, is a false comparison of things, although I can feel its presence and role, but have not formed a clear concept. In the four years of university study and life, because of their thinking, learning and a number of external factors, so I created a basic set of life. For life, everyone has their own pursuit. For the life of the universe, however, is a short moment, and for the indivial, only an opportunity and never look back.
Junior practice to go out, burdened with heavy luggage, but also burdened with their own ideals and decided to go to a strange city, looking for work was successful, but also a large advertising design company, into the company since the first day I had An effort to learn something positive attitude towards work, I am grateful to the director has taught me to constantly improve their design capabilities; I thank from the United States into the company's first day on the patient's taught me a lot I do not Understand things; thanks to and AE, I first entered in the company's code did not understand, my enthusiasm for the help. Thanks to hone in on the platform of that period of time, it is time that inspired my enthusiasm and fighting spirit!
In short, towards their own goal,過好每一天substantial, as long as no regrets, is successful. The talent, is a long process of accumulation, must be dedicated to progressive, practical struggle, it is expected to taste the joy of success. People at different times have different views and ideas, but this is only a change in form, the foundation has its deep roots in the depths of thinking is hard to change. In later life, positive, life will be the laughter of my principles and the driving force of loving the country, practical, ambitious talent is the cornerstone of my life.
Time to rush water, the twinkling of an eye between the university close to the end of four years on. Time to stand in the ring, Muran Looking back, we found a four-year university is so wonderful. Lonely and happy co-existence with the leisurely pace in the same struggle, Cowardly and courageous want. Ah, we have to test a burning the midnight oil, we have the childish behavior and laughed, we had the face of the unknown future of the former is not timid. But now we have This is quite different from the four years of our achievements in wind and rain. We understand what is the lone, brave what is and what is the real struggle. As we enter the community, not strive to complete the full complement of subjects, Work actively in the efforts to apply what they have learned, the hard-working and motivated to go to school ring its own inertia entirely correct, the courage to face the difficulties and setbacks, the growth ring difficult times, in the community to become useful to society in the future.
Not eternal level of the road, life does not change the norm, each of us will inevitably encounter difficulties and setbacks, in the face of difficulties and setbacks, we should dare to struggle, dare to climb, should not give up on themselves the blame on others, Should not live in that they turned out the bright lights of the self-free soap bubble in the wasted time, wasted their youth, in fact, everyone in the university on the road is not easy, not easy, only experienced the suffering and the opportunity of bettering In order to hone life graally matured into a perfect, so that youth can no regrets, so that a well-deserved for Love! Leaving a painful, is a kind of courage, but also a test of a new beginning, we hope that in future new capacity to determine their own new starting point, perseverance and toward newer and higher goal Because the best things in life are always in the forefront!
I substantial completion of his career students, but "the long road repair come far, Wujiang and search up and down." In the days, I have to be more strict demands on themselves, to correct shortcomings in work to progress in life is a milestone in the university, a milestone in the often around a lot at the junction of the fork, and graation means we have to choose a Continues down the road. Before graation, we had to; graation, we had shed tears; do after graation? Let us be grateful heart, tears of emotion and deep feeling of love into pious wishes, wishing everyone has a bright future
University for a four-year struggle for self-course basis, but even more cooperation is the key. In four years, every time I encountered setbacks, every difficulty, there are friends and fellow students eager to help, and get every bit of success, but also to share with you, this is a great happiness in life. We are grateful to all classes of students, to thank all the confidence in me, help me, thank you for your friendship to me, I will always cherish the!
In the doldrums, I thought of as such as Lu Xun's "cry," Ginsburg "Howl." However, when I work in the face, think of the phrase is more Jewish Gu Yan, "A Reflection humanity, God laugh."